Major and Minor Aspects: all you need to know about them and yourself


Here, the focus will be on major and minor aspects. But before delving into them, let’s take a step back to the astrological circle, which is where everything starts.

The astrological circle is a beautiful, synergistic system where all the elements form relationships with each other. It is a system of symbols, opposites and complements, successions, and geometric angles.

We explained how to read it in our PDF guide, “How to read a birth chart“. Whether you are a beginner or want to strengthen your knowledge, check it out.

Here is a glimpse: the signs are the first element we all know – naturally the main symbolic system. Following them, we have the planets and other celestial elements or positions, and finally, the houses. All these elements communicate with each other through the so-called aspects.

Let’s delve deeper into the aspects…

N.B. Keep reading until the end of the article for a little game proposal that may interest you, personally!

What are the Aspects in Astrology?

In astrology, the aspects are the angles formed between two or more planets or points in the astrological chart. These angles represent the dynamic relationships between the energies of the planets involved. Aspects can reveal how different parts of our personality interact, where there may be harmony or tension, and how external events may unfold.

Astronomically speaking, aspects are the angular relationships between two or more celestial bodies as seen from Earth. These angles are measured in degrees along the ecliptic, which is the apparent path of the Sun across the sky.

Birth chart with many major and minor aspects.
Here is today's natal chart as we write this article, and you can see a lot of lines connecting the planets. Those are the aspects! [This birth chart has been generated by Born Under Saturn's calculator.]

Major and Minor Aspect in Astrology, what you must know about

Aspects are divided into major and minor aspects.

The major aspects, as the name suggests, are considered more significant. These are usually the ones taken into account when writing horoscopes, both generic Sun sign horoscopes and personalized ones.

The minor aspects, on the other hand, are considered secondary and therefore have less influence on the astrological chart.

Deborah: “Personally, I believe it is appropriate to differentiate between major and minor aspects. In fact, I tend to read the natal chart by primarily considering the planets and the angles, leaving out all other celestial elements, at least in an initial reading. This is because I believe that the “basic” astrological symbols already contain all the necessary meanings. They already lead us to a profound reading of the essence of the natal chart, whether it is of a person, an animal, an event, or a thing.”

Major aspects explained

The major aspects are divided between those that flow more smoothly and those that represent a more hindered flow. In simple terms, there are the so-called “positive” and “negative” aspects, although in this blog you will never find such a strict dichotomy. The truth is that there is no absolute negative or positive, but rather different modes of expression, some simpler and others more complex.

Here, I’ll provide a brief overview of all the major aspects to give you a general yet organized understanding. For a deeper dive into each main aspect, stay tuned for detailed, focused content!

Table with all the aspects, their symbols and meanings.

1. Trine

The first aspect, considered one of the most fluid, intense, and benevolent, is the trine, which occurs when two elements are 120 degrees apart

The trine is represented by the symbol of a triangle and is usually shown in green in calculators. However, in our Born Under Saturn calculator, we use unique colors to make it stand out graphically from all the others. Check it out and let us know if you like it in the comments below the article.

The trine aspect represents a harmonious and easy flow of energy between two elements. It indicates supportive and beneficial interactions, fostering creativity and growth.

Trines often bring opportunities and positive outcomes with minimal effort. They represent natural talents and abilities that come effortlessly to individuals. This aspect encourages a sense of balance and peace in the areas of life it influences. 

2. Sextile 

The second aspect considered benevolent and fluid is the sextile, which occurs when two elements form a 60-degree angle. Its symbol is a small asterisk, and this aspect is often represented by a green or blue line in traditional calculators.

The sextile represents opportunities and ease in various areas of life. Unlike the trine, which indicates inherent talents and natural harmony, the sextile suggests potential that can be realized through effort and initiative. It symbolizes cooperation and productive interactions, encouraging growth and development.

The energy of a sextile is dynamic and creative, often bringing favorable circumstances that require a proactive approach to fully benefit from them. This aspect fosters learning, adaptation, and the successful integration of different elements in one’s life, making it a positive and supportive influence.

3. Conjunction 

The third aspect is the conjunction, which occurs when two elements are in the same space, meaning they are conjoined. It is a strong aspect, generally considered benevolent, but this depends on various factors. Its symbol is a small circle with a diagonal line, and it can be recognized in the natal chart by seeing two elements either on top of each other or very close together.

N.B. Keep in mind that there is a degree tolerance that ranges from zero to about 10 (depending on different views and opinions). This applies to conjunctions as well as all aspects. I tend to consider the aspect stronger the more precise it is, especially with conjunctions.

The conjunction represents a merging of energies, where the qualities of the involved planets or points blend together. This aspect can intensify the characteristics of the planets, creating a powerful and focused influence in the area of life it affects. While conjunctions are often viewed as positive, they can also bring challenges if the planets involved have conflicting natures.

4. Square

The first among the aspects considered less fluid and difficult is the square, which is formed when two elements create a 90-degree angle. It is generally considered difficult but has its advantages, as squares are life lessons. The symbol that represents it is a small square, and the color often assigned to it is red or brown.

The square represents tension and conflict between the energies of the planets involved. This aspect often brings challenges, obstacles, and friction, requiring effort and determination to overcome. While it can be uncomfortable, the square is also a catalyst for growth and change. It pushes us to confront issues and develop resilience, leading to significant personal growth.

5. Opposition

The last of the major aspects is the most hostile, complex, powerful, and often difficult one. It is formed when two elements are in opposition, thus at 180 degrees. The symbol used to identify it is a small line with two circles at the ends, and it is usually represented by the color red.

The opposition represents a polarity between the energies of the planets involved. This aspect creates a dynamic tension that can feel like a tug-of-war, pulling in opposite directions. Oppositions often manifest in relationships and external situations, highlighting areas where balance and compromise are necessary.

Minor aspects explained

Minor aspects in astrology are considered less significant than major aspects because their influence is often subtler and less direct. While major aspects like conjunctions, squares, and oppositions create powerful and clear-cut interactions between planets, minor aspects tend to highlight nuances and finer details within the astrological chart. They offer additional layers of interpretation and can refine the understanding of an individual’s personality, tendencies, and life experiences.

Here, we’ll provide a brief explanation of the minor aspects, one by one.

  • Semisextile (30°): This aspect occurs when two planets are 30 degrees apart. It indicates a mild and sometimes awkward interaction that requires adjustment and adaptation. Though not as dynamic as other aspects, it can point to areas of potential growth through subtle changes.
  • Semisquare (45°): When two planets are 45 degrees apart, they form a semisquare. This aspect suggests minor friction and irritations that can be motivational. It highlights small but persistent challenges that need to be addressed for progress to occur.
  • Sesquiquadrate (135°): This aspect, formed by a 135-degree separation, is a bit more tense. It often brings about internal conflicts and stress that need resolution. While it can be a source of discomfort, it also pushes for inner development and greater self-awareness.
  • Quincunx (150°): Also known as the inconjunct, this aspect represents a 150-degree angle between planets. It signals the need for adjustment and can create a sense of discomfort or imbalance. Quincunxes often point to areas where compromise and reconfiguration are necessary.
  • Quintile (72°): This aspect occurs when planets are 72 degrees apart and is associated with creativity and talent. It suggests unique abilities and a special flair in certain areas of life. Quintiles often highlight where one can express individuality and innovation.
  • Biquintile (144°): A 144-degree separation forms a biquintile, which, like the quintile, is related to creative expression and special talents. It often indicates areas where one can achieve harmony and excellence through imaginative approaches.

Recognizing aspects is quite simple, and while experienced astrologers can do it at a glance, even those who are not can easily spot them. Calculators already mark them, but even when we simply know the positions of the planets, it’s enough to pay attention to the sign and the exact degrees.

Examples of major and minor aspects in three birth charts.

A lil, unique gem… planets’ isolation!

Aspects are a fundamental part of astrological reading because they describe the relationship between elements, which is at the core of astrology and our existence. When the elements communicate, it is there that the “magic” of the chart analysis happens.

The communication among elements indicates the path to understanding the essence of a person and how they integrate all the individual pieces into a whole. This is why there is a non-aspect aspect that we haven’t mentioned in the previous lists but is actually one of the most important elements in a reading: isolation.

When a planet or element is isolated, it means that it does not form any aspect with any other elementeven when slightly widening the orb of tolerance! Thus, it is an unaspected element.

This is a characteristic that is as important as (if not more so, because it is rare) any other aspect. It is obviously a delicate non-aspect, often difficult to understand and integrate. It usually signifies energies that, not interacting with anything else, are either dormant, frustrated, or blocked. 

That’s why, if you have an isolated planet in your natal chart and you struggle to fully understand it, you can drop it in the comments below. We’ll try to answer explain a bit about what it means.

Actually, let’s do a lil game: let’s do this not only about isolation, but about any aspect you cann’t comprehend about your birth chart. drop it in the comment, we’ll come back with a quick interpretation. And with this game proposal, we’re wrapping up this article. 

That’s why, if you have an isolated planet in your natal chart and you struggle to fully understand it, drop a comment below. We’ll try to explain a bit about what it means.

Actually, let’s make it a little game: 

Share any aspect of your birth chart that you can’t comprehend in the comments. We’ll come back with a quick interpretation.

And with this interactive proposal, we’re wrapping up this article. Let’s meet in the comments below.

  1. Thank you very much for this opportunity. My Mercury-Jupiter conjunction in leo in the 11th house loves games like this. 😃

    The following aspects are difficult for me to understand:

    South node in Pisces in the 6th house opposition Sun conjunction Venus + conjunct. Lilith + conjunct. northern lunar node in Virgo in the 12th house.

    Pluto in Libra in the 1st house near the ascendant square Mars in Cancer in the 10th house.

    Chiron in Taurus in the 8th house opposition Uranus in Scorpio in the 2nd house.

    Saturn in Virgo in the 12th house square Neptune in Sagittarius in the 3rd house.

    Thank you very much. ❤️❤️❤️

    1. Hi! 🙂

      I ll try to briefly interprete these aspects.

      The Sun represents your identity and core self, while Venus symbolizes love, values, and relationships. When these two are conjunct, there’s a strong focus on expressing yourself through love, beauty, and harmony. You naturally seek out beauty and meaningful connections.This opposition suggests that past patterns or karmic lessons (South Node) are being challenged. With the Sun and Venus in the 12th house, you may need to release old habits related to self-sacrifice or escapism, in favor of embracing a more compassionate and spiritually aligned way of expressing love and self-worth.

      Pluto in the first house is a very powerful aspect, as it reveals a personality whose inner core is always more intense and fervent than what might be perceived from the outside. This square might indicate difficulties in self-assertion, particularly in one’s career, but more generally in achieving independence. Although Pluto on the Ascendant brings self-confidence, it also signifies the need to constantly transform in the face of life’s unsettling events. The 10th house in Cancer is empathetic, thriving when caring for others, but when this care is not recognized, Pluto in the first house can unleash its “darker” forces, sometimes manifesting as shadows ( frustrations, desire of revenge, feeling unheard, need to be seen, willing to detach for good, etc..).

      About Chiron: this aspect suggests a deep tension between wounds related to security, value, and transformation (Chiron in the 8th house) and sudden, unpredictable changes in self-worth or material possessions (Uranus in the 2nd house). It can manifest as challenges in trusting others or dealing with financial instability, leading to a struggle between holding on to what feels safe and embracing transformative change.

      And Saturn: the square indicates a conflict between the need for structure, discipline, and perfectionism (Saturn in Virgo in the 12th house) and the desire for spiritual freedom, imagination, and idealism (Neptune in Sagittarius in the 3rd house). It may create difficulty in expressing thoughts clearly or a struggle between practical reality and spiritual or creative ideals, potentially leading to self-doubt or confusion in communication.

      Also consider that squares are not truly negative aspects; while they can indicate challenges, it is precisely through them that we can grow. Think of them as opportunities 🙂

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