New Moon in Cancer Significance & Horoscopes – July 2024


The New Moon in Cancer will rise on July 5th 2024, joining the Sun in the skies of this water sign. The Moon in Cancer is special, unique, and profoundly meaningful, as Cancer is the sign it governs.

This alignment of the Moon and Sun in Cancer heightens the influence of lunar energies, bringing forth themes of emotional depth, nurturing, and intuition. Cancer, symbolized by the crab, is inherently connected to the cycles of the Moon, emphasizing the ebb and flow of feelings, the importance of home, and the need for security.

Here we share the long version of the significance and horoscope of this New Moon in Cancer. On the Born Under Saturn Instagram page, you can find the short version. Additionally, on our IG channel, you can find a daily inspirational horoscope. If you haven’t yet, press that follow button – you won’t regret it!

New Moon in Cancer: honoring the maternal aspect of existence

The keyword for this particular lunar phase is undoubtedly FEEL. While the Sun, the other luminary and naturally opposed to the darkness of the Moon, symbolizes the self and the actions we take to realize it, the Moon represents our feelings. In the natal chart, the Moon tells us how we feel, perceive, and connect, as well as how we integrate and express our emotions. These are the very themes of Cancer, which, governed and guided by this luminary, is the sign that never separates living from feeling.

One of the most powerful symbols of this New Moon in Cancer is the MATERNAL. The Moon is the symbol of maternal nourishment, just as Cancer symbolizes roots and familial relationships. This is an excellent opportunity to set new intentions or plans, focusing on reparenting ourselves, attending to our needs, and connecting with those parts of us that need to be heard and nurtured.

The Moon is the symbol of maternal nourishment, just as Cancer symbolizes roots and familial relationships.

The New Moon in Cancer invites you to embrace the maternal energy within you, whether you are nurturing your own inner child or those around you. It’s a call to create a safe space for emotional expression and growth. Use this time to set intentions that foster a sense of security and belonging, both within yourself and in your home.

During this New Moon, take the time to reflect on your relationship with nurturing and being nurtured. Consider how you can offer yourself the care and support you might seek from others. This phase is about recognizing and fulfilling your own needs, just as a mother would for her child.

Madonna and child, honoring the maternal aspect of existence
"Madonna and Child" by Duccio di Buoninsegna. This lyrical work inaugurates the tradition in Italian art of envisioning the Madonna and Child in terms appropriated from real life. The Christ Child gently pushes away the veil of his mother, whose sorrowful expression reflects her foreknowledge of his crucifixion.

Honoring the maternal aspect of existence doesn’t just mean connecting with our mothers or the mothers we are, but with everything that symbolizes nourishment and care. We can be mothers to our children, as well as mothers to our projects, our memories, our pains, and even our mothers.

This New Moon in Cancer invites us to embrace the nurturing energy in all its forms. It’s about recognizing the multifaceted nature of motherhood and how it permeates various aspects of our lives. Whether we are nurturing a new idea, taking care of our emotional wounds, or providing support to those we love, the essence of maternal energy is present. Being a mother to our projects means dedicating time, love, and effort to see them grow and flourish. Just as a mother tends to her child, we must tend to our dreams and aspirations, providing them with the resources and attention they need to develop. This phase encourages us to plant seeds of intention and to cultivate them with care and patience.

Astrology teaches us a powerful lesson. One that is especially important in these modern times where judgment and societal expectations press to label and confine experiences into neat compartments. Astrology shows us that we embody all symbols, regardless of the roles we play. We are all mothers and fathers, just as we are all children. We do not need to give birth to be mothers, nor do we need to be women to embody motherhood. Biology has little to do with the concept of the maternal, and astrology transcends all imposed boundaries through its symbols.

Astrology shows us that we embody all symbols, regardless of the roles we play. We are all mothers and fathers, just as we are all children.

Being a mother in astrological terms means nurturing and caring for others, regardless of biological connections. It means providing support, love, and compassion to those around us, whether they are our children, friends, or even our own inner selves. Similarly, the father archetype embodies protection, guidance, and structure, roles that we all take on at different times in our lives.

"Evening bell from mist-shrouded temple (left); Autumn moon over Lake Dongting (right)" by Style of An Gyeon (Korean)

New Moon in Cancer Horoscope

Unveiling the horoscope – explore the distinct impact that the New Moon in Cancer phase is poised to exert on individual zodiac signs.

Aries (21 March – 20 April)

Aries, the New Moon in Cancer illuminates that part of you that needs to take care of your inner feelings, those that are never expressed and those that simply need to be understood. This lunar phase invites you to ask yourself: “What do I truly feel inside?

This New Moon encourages you to slow down and create a safe space where your emotions can surface without fear of judgment. It’s a time to nurture your inner self, to acknowledge and embrace the vulnerability that often gets overshadowed by your outward drive and determination. 

Consider setting aside moments of quiet reflection where you can tune into your emotional landscape. Journaling can be a powerful tool during this phase, allowing you to explore and articulate your innermost thoughts and feelings. Pay attention to the subtle whispers of your heart and mind, and honor whatever arises without rushing to fix or change it.

The New Moon in Cancer is a powerful reminder that true strength comes from understanding and accepting all parts of yourself, including those that are fragile and tender. By connecting deeply with your emotions, you pave the way for greater authenticity and emotional resilience. This lunar cycle is about building a stronger foundation within yourself, one that is rooted in self-compassion and emotional honesty.

As you navigate this introspective journey, remember that it’s okay to seek support from trusted friends or loved ones. Sharing your feelings can help lighten the emotional load and bring a sense of connection and relief.

Taurus (22 April – 30 May)

Taurus, the New Moon in Cancer warms that part of you that loves to play and reconnect with your inner child. The question it urges you to ask is: “What do I want to nurture in my inner child, and what needs healing?” This is the perfect moment to speak without filters, express yourself freely, and rediscover purity in your relationships.

This lunar phase invites you to rediscover the joy and carefree spirit of your childhood, to reconnect with those moments of happiness and innocence that still reside within you. Take time to engage in activities that bring you pleasure and make you feel alive. Whether it’s drawing, dancing, playing outside, or simply laughing with friends, let your inner child take the lead.

The New Moon in Cancer also offers a profound opportunity for healing. Reflect on those childhood experiences that may have left emotional wounds. Embrace these parts of yourself with compassion and gentleness, allowing them to surface and heal. Writing in a journal or talking to a trusted person can help you process and release repressed emotions.

During this period, it’s essential to communicate authentically and transparently.

Gemini (21 May – 21 June)

Gemini, the New Moon in Cancer sheds light on that part of you that yearns to take care of your tangible world, your home, your projects, and your productivity. The question this Moon advises you to ask yourself is: “What must I destroy to make space for something more aligned with my true self?” This is the perfect time for a fresh start.

This lunar phase invites you to reassess the elements of your life that no longer serve your growth and well-being. Look around your home and workspace – are there things that clutter your environment and mind? Clearing out physical clutter can be a powerful act of making space for new energy and ideas. As you declutter, consider what habits, routines, or relationships might also need to be released. 

Embrace the transformative energy of the New Moon by setting intentions for what you want to create. Focus on projects that resonate deeply with your passions and values. This is your opportunity to align your external world with your internal desires. Think about how you can bring more harmony and balance into your daily life, ensuring that your surroundings support your goals and aspirations.

As you embark on this journey of renewal, be gentle with yourself. Change can be challenging, but it is also a gateway to growth. Trust that letting go of the old will make way for something beautiful and new. Allow this New Moon to be a catalyst for realigning your life with your true self.

Cancer (22 June – 23 July)

Cancer, this is your Moon, enveloping you in a warm light that guides you to ask yourself, “How am I? What do I need?” These are seemingly simple questions that you might need to ask more often, but their answers can open doors to something new and fruitful for the future. It is the perfect moment to plant new seeds and look toward tomorrow with a fresh perspective.

This moon phase encourages you to tune into your emotional and physical well-being, acknowledging your needs and desires. Take some time to reflect on your inner world, identifying areas where you might be neglecting yourself or where you need more care and attention. By addressing these needs, you can nurture your growth and pave the way for new opportunities.

Consider setting intentions that focus on your personal development and emotional health. What new habits or routines can you incorporate into your daily life that will support your well-being? Whether it’s creating a peaceful space at home, starting a new self-care practice, or seeking out supportive relationships, now is the time to prioritize yourself.

As you plant these new seeds, remember to be patient and gentle with yourself. Growth takes time, and the efforts you make now will blossom in the future. Trust in the process and allow this New Moon to be a turning point for embracing a more nurturing and fulfilling path. By looking at tomorrow with a renewed sense of hope and clarity, you set the stage for a brighter, more aligned future.

Leo (23 July – 23 August)

Leo, the New Moon in Cancer illuminates that part of you that also appreciates silence and reflection. It’s the perfect moment to ask yourself, “Where am I going?” and to understand if the direction you’re heading is truly the one you wish to pursue. Allow yourself time to slow down and gather your thoughts, letting them guide you.

This phase invites you to step back from the hustle and bustle of daily life and delve into introspection. Take this opportunity to evaluate your goals and aspirations, examining whether they align with your true desires and values. By doing so, you can gain clarity on your path and make necessary adjustments to ensure you’re moving in a direction that feels authentic to you. 

Consider creating a peaceful environment where you can meditate or journal, allowing your inner voice to come forward. Reflect on recent decisions and actions, and ponder whether they are leading you toward your envisioned future. This is a time for deep contemplation, where the answers you seek may arise from within, providing you with a clearer sense of purpose and direction.

Remember that it’s okay to change course if needed. The New Moon is a symbol of new beginnings, and it’s never too late to realign with your true north. Trust your intuition and let it be your guide as you navigate through this period of self-discovery. By embracing the quiet moments and listening to your inner wisdom, you set the stage for a journey that is more aligned with your heart’s desires.

Moon is connected to Cancer

Virgo (24 August – 22 September)

Virgo, the New Moon in Cancer illuminates that part of you that needs to feel connected to the whole and the world around you. The question this emotional Moon urges you to ask yourself is, “What are my actions building?” The answer you find will guide you on what to change to align yourself with a broader life project that includes not only your needs but also shared values.

This is a time to reflect deeply on the impact of your daily activities and decisions. Consider how your actions contribute to the larger picture and whether they resonate with your core beliefs and the collective good. This introspection can help you identify areas where adjustments are needed to create a more harmonious and fulfilling life.

Take this opportunity to engage with your community and seek ways to collaborate with others who share your vision. Your innate ability to organize and improve can be channeled into projects that foster a sense of unity and purpose. 

By aligning your personal goals with those of the wider community, you can create a ripple effect that benefits everyone involved. The New Moon in Cancer encourages you to nurture these connections and recognize the power of collective effort. Embrace the idea that you are part of a greater whole, and your contributions matter. By focusing on actions that build towards a shared future, you can find greater satisfaction and meaning in your endeavors.

Libra (23 September – 23 October)

Libra, the New Moon in Cancer urges you to ask yourself, “Do I truly believe in what I am building?” Lately, you might have felt disconnected from your core values. Now is the perfect time to reassess your priorities and change course if needed.

This lunar phase provides a powerful opportunity for introspection. Reflect on whether your current path aligns with your deepest beliefs and aspirations. Are your actions and projects resonating with your authentic self, or have you strayed from what truly matters to you?

Use this time to reconnect with your inner values and ensure they are reflected in your goals and endeavors. If you find areas where you’ve compromised too much or lost sight of your true intentions, don’t hesitate to make the necessary adjustments. This New Moon encourages you to realign your actions with your principles, ensuring that what you build is both meaningful and fulfilling. By doing so, you can create a more harmonious and balanced life that genuinely reflects who you are and what you stand for.

Scorpio (23 October – 23 November)

Scorpio, the New Moon in Cancer pushes you into uncharted territories, prompting a myriad of questions, with the most significant being, “What limits am I imposing on myself?” It is time to become aware of these self-imposed boundaries so you can surpass them and move beyond.

This lunar phase invites you to explore the unseen parts of yourself and the world around you. Reflect on the ways you might have been holding yourself back, whether out of fear, self-doubt, or a desire for protection. You’ve spent much time shielding aspects of yourself that now need to be expressed and set free. Use this moment to confront the barriers you’ve created. What have you been afraid to face or acknowledge? Where have you restricted your own growth and potential? By identifying these limitations, you can begin the process of breaking free and allowing your true self to shine. The New Moon’s energy supports transformation and renewal.

Embrace this opportunity to shed old patterns and step into a space of greater freedom and authenticity. Trust that by doing so, you will uncover new strengths and possibilities that were previously hidden.

Sagittarius (23 November – 21 December)

Sagittarius, the New Moon in Cancer is here to guide you on a transformative journey. By honestly answering the question, “What do I want to know about myself?” you will unlock new possibilities for your potential.

This is the perfect time to delve into your emotions, especially the difficult ones. Instead of labeling them negatively, embrace them and see how they can be transformed into sources of strength and growth. Allow yourself to explore the depths of your inner world. What have you been avoiding or suppressing? What truths about yourself have you been reluctant to face? By confronting these emotions head-on, you will gain a deeper understanding of who you are and what you are capable of achieving.

This lunar phase encourages you to look beyond the surface and connect with your true self. Embrace the vulnerabilities and challenges as opportunities for personal development. By doing so, you will find new ways to harness your inner power and expand your horizons.

Capricorn (22 December – 20 January)

Capricorn, the New Moon in Cancer illuminates your shadow side, the part of you that fears intense emotions. Now is the perfect time to ask yourself, “Why do I hide my feelings?” and to work on embracing vulnerability.

This phase encourages you to confront the emotions you’ve been avoiding. Acknowledge that vulnerability is not a weakness but a profound strength that can lead to deeper connections and personal growth. By understanding the roots of your emotional resistance, you can begin to dismantle the barriers you’ve built around your heart.

Consider how embracing your emotional depth can enhance your relationships and enrich your life. Let this New Moon guide you in exploring the aspects of yourself that you’ve kept hidden, and find ways to express them authentically.

Aquarius (21 January – 19 February)

Aquarius, the New Moon in Cancer illuminates the part of you that needs a healthy rhythm connected to your inner feelings. Now is the perfect time to ask yourself, “What should I keep and what should I let go of to allow my daily life to vibrate higher?” Work on your daily routines, making space for your emotions. 

Reflect on what activities, habits, and patterns serve your well-being and which ones drain your energy. By aligning your daily life with your emotional needs, you can create a harmonious balance that nurtures your spirit. This is a time to embrace practices that resonate with your true self and let go of anything that no longer supports your growth.

Consider how you start and end your days. Are there rituals you can incorporate that will ground you emotionally? Perhaps a morning meditation, journaling your thoughts, or a simple walk in nature could help you tune into your inner world. Pay attention to how you manage your time and energy, ensuring that you are not overcommitting yourself to tasks or people that do not nourish you.

The New Moon in Cancer also encourages you to create a home environment that feels like a sanctuary. Surround yourself with items that bring you comfort and joy, and consider decluttering spaces that feel stagnant. This lunar phase is an opportunity to foster an emotional connection with your surroundings, making your living space a true reflection of your inner peace and harmony.

Pisces (20 February – 20 March)

Pisces, the New Moon in Cancer envelops you with a gentle light, encouraging you to express what you feel deep inside, even the most profound and intimate emotions. This lunar phase invites you to ask yourself, “What can I release and transform?” It’s the perfect moment to take those deep-seated feelings and turn them into something external and tangible that truly reflects who you are.

Imagine your emotions as seeds planted within you, some may have grown into beautiful flowers, while others may have become tangled weeds. Now is the time to sort through them, nurturing the blooms and carefully removing the weeds. 

Consider writing, painting, or creating something that symbolizes your inner world. Let your creativity flow freely, turning abstract emotions into concrete expressions. This process of externalizing your feelings not only helps in understanding them better but also allows others to see the authentic you.

Think about the burdens or old wounds you’ve been carrying. This New Moon gives you the strength to let go of what no longer serves you. Like a river flowing, allow these emotional blocks to be washed away, transforming into new energy that fuels your growth.

Use this lunar phase to set new intentions for emotional clarity and expression. Embrace activities that resonate with your soul, whether it’s dancing, singing, or simply spending quiet moments in nature. The goal is to align your inner self with your outer actions, creating a harmonious balance that reflects your true essence.

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