New Moon in Leo: Significance & Horoscope (+ related Painting)


On August 4, 2024, the New Moon will conjunct the Sun and rise in the sign of Leo (read more in our Leo season article). Unlike the Sun, which is in its natural domicile in Leo, the Moon finds itself in a sign that expresses energies opposite to its own.

The Moon governs our emotions, instincts, and inner world. It thrives in signs that are nurturing, adaptable, and receptive, like Cancer or Taurus. Leo, being a fire sign, is more about outward expression, pride, and grandeur, which can feel at odds with the Moon’s need for security and emotional depth.

Leo can feel at odds with the Moon.

The Moon in Leo can evoke a desire to express emotions dramatically and seek recognition for our feelings. It encourages us to take emotional risks and be more open-hearted. However, there may also be a struggle to balance this outward emotional expression with the need for inner comfort and stability.


So, here we’ll explain this New Moon in Leo in depth. But if you feel like discovering transits more briefly, follow us on our Born Under Saturn Instagram page, where we share more concise updates.


Leo’s desire to illuminate and express

In order to fully understand this August New Moon, we need to enter the lavish and fiery realm of Leo

Leo is the fifth sign of the zodiac wheel, governed by the Sun, and co-significant with the fifth house. This house of the zodiac tells us about our expressive, generative, and creative power. In the fifth house, the main focus is on us and our desires. Here, we discover what makes us feel good, what we ardently desire, and how we express our ego. Opposing the fifth house is the eleventh house, associated with Aquarius, which tells us how we navigate life beyond the ego. 

Representing this area of the zodiac, the fifth house is Leo, the second fire sign after Aries, and the first and only sign solely ruled by the Sun. Leo is often mistakenly thought of as the sign of vanity, believed to be in love with itself like Narcissus and always desiring to be adored. However, this is not the driving force behind Leo. 

Instead, Leo is motivated by the desire to illuminate, to express, and to leave nothing in the dark, not even itself. Being seen is Leo’s primary desire, and after all, illuminating is what its guiding planet, the Sun, does. Unlike the Moon, which loves the magic of twilight, the Sun exists in its expression. The Moon exists even when it does not express itself, as in the absence of expression lies the intimate thoughts, the inner self. 

The Sun shines in expression; the Moon holds silent, intimate thoughts.

The contrast between the Moon and the Sun in astrology is profound. The Moon represents our inner world, our emotions, and the unconscious. It thrives in the quiet, reflective spaces where we process our deepest feelings. The Sun, on the other hand, symbolizes our outward identity, our ego, and the conscious self. It flourishes in the light, in the act of expression and creation.

Title: Papierlaternen-Fabrik Riethmüller [maker's catalog]. Artist: Anonymous. Date: 19th century

During this New Moon in Leo, these contrasting energies come into play. We are encouraged to bring our inner desires and emotions into the light, to express what we typically keep hidden. It’s a time to align our inner world with our outer expression, ensuring that what we feel inside is reflected in how we present ourselves to the world.

This New Moon in Leo is the perfect time to align our inner world with our outer expression.

New Moon in Leo’s themes: from our inner child to our ego

The New Moon phase is a powerful time to set intentions and evaluate the path we are on. It’s also an opportunity to find the best ways to understand, integrate, heal, and express our emotions and feelings. Each New Moon falls in a specific sign and is colored by its symbolism, suggesting the themes to explore at that particular moment. Here are the themes of this New Moon in Leo:

  • Embrace creativity. Use this time to channel your emotions into creative projects. Whether it’s art, writing, music, or any form of self-expression, let your inner world shine through your creations.
  • Seek recognition. Allow yourself to seek and accept acknowledgment for your emotional contributions. It’s okay to want your feelings to be seen and valued.
  • Balance ego and emotion. Be mindful of balancing your need for emotional security with the desire for recognition. Avoid letting pride overshadow genuine emotional needs.
  • Connect with your inner child. Leo rules over the heart and our inner child. Engage in activities that bring you joy and connect you with your playful, childlike self.

These are the themes that this New Moon in Leo invites us to explore, always keeping in mind that each lunar phase is felt differently by each of us. In some cases, emotions are varied, felt intensely and overwhelmingly, while in others they are more subtle. Much also depends on where the Moon is located in our natal chart, and if you want to explore more, down here are the links.

Sun Disk, Colonial, after 16th century

New Moon in Leo Horoscope

Unveiling the horoscope – explore the distinct impact that the Leo New Moon phase is poised to exert on individual zodiac signs.

Aries (21 March – 20 April)

Aries, the New Moon in Leo stirs within you an irrepressible urge to express the vibrant fire that burns in your soul, as if it were your last chance to make your mark. It’s as though there is no tomorrow, compelling you to act now, with fervor and passion. This is the perfect time to plant the seeds of new endeavors that authentically represent who you are and aspire to be.

Let this be a period of dynamic beginnings, where you channel your energy into creating something uniquely significant and reflective of your innermost desires. Embrace this opportunity to showcase the essence of your spirit through actions and creations that resonate deeply with your personal identity.

Taurus (22 April – 30 May)

Taurus, the New Moon in Leo illuminates your longing for a personal sanctuary within your home and family life, a place that warmly greets you each evening as you return. This lunar phase marks an ideal moment to lay the foundations for a new life project. 

Consider what makes a space truly yours, from the physical arrangement to the emotional connections that tie you to it. It’s time to invest energy into creating a haven that not only shelters you but also reflects and supports your deepest needs and desires. Embrace this opportunity to nurture your personal environment, turning it into a source of strength and comfort as you forge ahead with your ambitions.

Gemini (21 May – 21 June)

Gemini, the New Moon in Leo compels you to reclaim the spotlight and take center stage. You’ve been patient and attentive, but now it’s time to speak up and share your thoughts and feelings. Your words have the enchanting power to captivate and persuade, so use them to lay the groundwork for a new journey focused on your personal development. 

This is your moment to articulate your visions and ambitions boldly, ensuring that your voice not only echoes in the ears of others but also marks the start of something profoundly aligned with your true self. Let your communication illuminate the path forward, drawing others into your world as you redefine your narrative.

Cancer (22 June – 23 July)

Cancer, the New Moon in Leo encourages you to explore new territories, recognize your abilities, and believe in the power of what you can build with your own hands. Everything you touch has the potential to turn into light, the very light you need to enrich your life. 

This moon phase is about discovering your creative prowess and utilizing it to illuminate your path. It’s a time to harness the bold energy of Leo to manifest your dreams into reality, showing not only yourself but also the world the brilliance and resilience you possess. Let this New Moon be a catalyst for growth, pushing you to step into uncharted spaces where your talents can truly shine.

Leo (23 July – 23 August)

Leo, the New Moon rises in your sign, igniting a desire to reconnect with your feelings and express your emotions more fully. Now is the time to plant new seeds over the ashes of what has ended or passed. Embrace the opportunity to integrate even the most challenging emotions, for it is through vulnerability that you can truly rediscover yourself. 

This lunar cycle calls you to renew your inner world and start fresh, using your innate strength to transform vulnerability into empowerment. Allow yourself to feel deeply, for each emotion offers insight into who you are and who you can become. This is a powerful moment for personal growth and emotional clarity.

Virgo (24 August – 22 September)

Virgo, the New Moon in Leo casts a warm, passionate glow on your desire to dream big, believe in your visions, and build a broader life plan. It’s the perfect time to trust that even the wildest dreams can become reality. 

This phase encourages you to set aside practical concerns momentarily and imagine what might be possible. Embrace this surge of creativity and confidence; let it fuel your ambitions and inspire you to reach for what seems just out of reach. Use this energy to lay the foundations for future projects or to reinvigorate ongoing ones with a new perspective. It’s a moment to acknowledge that your most audacious dreams have the potential to materialize.

Libra (23 September – 23 October)

Libra, the New Moon in Leo urges you to take a step towards the world, towards the collective, towards others. It’s the right time to see yourself as a guide and a light for others, believing in your inner power. 

This phase highlights your ability to influence and inspire, encouraging you to take leadership roles or initiate community projects. Embrace this opportunity to make meaningful connections and foster cooperation, showcasing your natural diplomatic skills. It’s a moment to shine by bringing people together and championing causes that resonate deeply with your values. Let your actions reflect your commitment to harmony and progress.

Scorpio (23 October – 23 November)

Scorpio, the New Moon in Leo illuminates that part of you that longs to feel independent from ties and origins. You yearn to walk alone, to leave the safe embrace, the guiding hand, the shadow of your roots. Now is the time to plant a new seed and build something that is uniquely yours. 

This phase encourages you to step out of your comfort zone and embrace your own path with confidence and courage. It’s a moment to assert your individuality, to trust in your own strength, and to embark on a journey that reflects your true self. Embrace this newfound independence and let it guide you towards personal growth and self-discovery.

Sagittarius (23 November – 21 December)

Sagittarius, the New Moon in Leo urges you to do what you do best: explore and dive into the unknown, both physically and mentally. This is the perfect time to become a spectator of your emotions and experience something intense, letting go of the fear of not being in control. 

Embrace the adventure of self-discovery and allow yourself to feel deeply, without holding back. This lunar phase invites you to broaden your horizons and take risks, trusting that the journey will bring growth and insight. Let the fire of Leo inspire you to follow your passions and seek out new experiences that enrich your soul.

Capricorn (22 December – 20 January)

Capricorn, the New Moon in Leo casts warm light into the dark corners of your psyche, urging you to express your deepest desires. Now is the time to plant a new flower in the garden of your mind, a flower that can bloom with passion. 

This moon phase encourages you to embrace your innermost dreams and ambitions, allowing them to flourish. It’s a moment to be bold and fearless in pursuing what truly ignites your spirit. Let the energy of Leo inspire you to cultivate these desires with determination and enthusiasm, bringing them to life with the same steadfastness that defines you.

Aquarius (21 January – 19 February)

Aquarius, the New Moon in Leo opposes your Sun, asking you to find harmony and balance between feelings and reason, between yourself and the Other, between what you give and what you receive. This is the perfect time to lay the foundation for lasting relationships and to seek yourself in the eyes of someone you love. 

Embrace this opportunity to deepen connections and to nurture the bonds that bring you joy and fulfillment. Let the energy of Leo guide you in creating meaningful and balanced interactions, where both your individuality and your ability to connect with others can thrive.

Pisces (20 February – 20 March)

Pisces, the New Moon in Leo urges you to navigate new seas, not the ones out there, but those of your mind and heart. This is the perfect moment to rediscover the right way to nourish self-love, to nurture your body, to comfort your heart, and to awaken your mind. 

Embrace this time to explore your inner depths and find the paths that bring you peace and fulfillment. Let the vibrant energy of Leo inspire you to care for yourself holistically, allowing your spirit to flourish and your inner light to shine brightly.

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