How December 2023’s New Moon in Sagittarius will affect each zodiac sign


The New Moon will rise in Sagittarius on December 12, 2023, and, like all new moon phases, it will bring with it energies of rebirth. It’s a moon colored and energized by the jovial characteristics of the third fire sign, which represents, above all, movement. It’s a potent moon whose energies will be strongly felt because Sagittarius does not know suspension but instead promotes abundance.

The energy of Sagittarius

The energetic core of Sagittarius is not hidden but lives on the surface; it comes out and manifests itself, never still, it’s pure movement. Not surprisingly, the ruling planet of this sign is Jupiter, the planet of abundance, joy, innocence, and expansion. Jupiter is like the arrow of the archer’s bow, released and, in a matter of seconds, expanding the mental and physical space of the one who shot it. The only moment of suspension for Sagittarius is when the arrow is released, but this is never truly a state of immobility; rather, it’s the origin of movement.

The symbolism of the archer’s arrow signifies the Sagittarian pursuit of goals and aspirations. The act of releasing the arrow embodies their commitment to setting intentions and launching themselves into new experiences. Even in the brief pause as the arrow is drawn, there’s a potent energy of potential, of what could be.

What will the December 2023 New Moon in Sagittarius bring?

The New Moon represents both beginnings and endings. There is no beginning without an end, just as there is no end that doesn’t precede a new beginning. In this sense, we can say that, merging into a continuum of possibilities, beginning and end feed each other, eliminating themselves and transforming into the infinity of the ouroboros. Thus, as suggested by the circle, a symbol of unity and eternity, the energies of the New Moon push us to start from the end, to destroy in order to create, to depart from the arrival. We are both the archer (the departure) and the arrow (the destination).

So what should you do during this period? First of all, take care of your need for expansion and exploration. Don’t let yourself be hindered by fears and self-imposed limits; instead, support yourself in the quest for meaning outside your comfort zone. Even where you feel there’s no need for change, explore new perspectives and ascertain whether you truly want to remain where you are. Embrace movement, both mental and physical, and try to abandon, for a while, stillness in favor of mobility.

This advice highlights the importance of personal growth and the value of stepping into the unknown. Often, the greatest barriers to our development are the ones we set for ourselves. By challenging these self-imposed limitations, you open yourself up to a world of new opportunities and experiences. Exploring beyond your comfort zone doesn’t just mean physical relocation; it can also refer to mental and emotional exploration, like adopting new ways of thinking or feeling.

Remember, a period of mobility doesn’t have to mean a permanent departure from stability. Instead, it’s a chance to gain new experiences, insights, and perspectives that can enrich your life. By periodically shifting from stillness to movement, you create a dynamic balance that fosters continuous personal growth and fulfillment.

Now let’s discover how the energies of the New Moon will impact each zodiac sign!

Ouroboros, emblematic serpent of ancient Egypt and Greece represented with its tail in its mouth, continually devouring itself and being reborn from itself.

Horoscope for the New Moon in Sagittarius

This celestial event provides a unique influence tailored to each sign’s inherent characteristics and challenges. Whether you’re an introspective Scorpio or a daring Aries, the New Moon offers an opportunity to reset, recalibrate, and commence anew on your life’s journey.

ARIES (March 20-April 19)

Aries, the New Moon pushes you to shift the goals of your objectives even further, encouraging you to dream big, expand your area of control, and not worry if you don’t truly have it under control. It asks you, in fact, to abandon the need for control and venture into the unknown. This New Moon is a call to embrace the spirit of adventure and exploration. It’s an invitation to set your sights higher than ever before and to believe in the possibility of achieving even your most ambitious dreams. The energy of the New Moon supports taking risks and stepping out of your usual boundaries, which aligns well with your natural courage and pioneering spirit.

This lunar phase encourages you to loosen your grip on the need for control. Often, the most significant growth and learning come from experiences that are unplanned and unexpected. Embrace the excitement and potential that comes with uncertainty.

The New Moon in a fire sign is a powerful time for setting intentions. Focus on goals that challenge you to grow and evolve. Think about what you truly want to achieve, not just in the immediate future, but in the long term. This is a time for visionary thinking and bold action.

Remember, Aries, that venturing into the unknown doesn’t mean you have to go without a plan. It simply means being open to new paths and opportunities that may arise along the way. Trust in your abilities to adapt and conquer whatever challenges you may encounter.

TAURUS (April 20-May 20)

Taurus, the New Moon in Sagittarius invites you to give yourself permission to loosen your firm grip and to follow your instincts and passions. It urges you to delve deep into the meanders of your inner self, to shoot the arrow far but within you. The inner journey is what you will undertake, and it is precisely this that, standing still, will take you far.

For you, Taurus, this New Moon marks a significant shift towards introspection and inner exploration. Sagittarius energy encourages you to look beyond the material and the tangible, urging you to embark on a journey of self-discovery. This is a time to explore your deeper desires, dreams, and the parts of yourself that you may not yet fully understand.

This lunar phase is about finding adventure within. It’s a reminder that sometimes the most significant journeys we take are not physical but emotional and spiritual. This period is perfect for meditation, reflection, and exploring your subconscious mind.

Sagittarius energy is known for its quest for truth and meaning. As this New Moon illuminates your inner world, it encourages you to seek your own truths and to understand your deeper motivations and desires. It’s a time to question, to explore, and to grow from within.This process may involve letting go of some of the security and stability you hold dear. The New Moon challenges you to step out of your comfort zone, not by seeking external changes, but by changing how you perceive and understand yourself.

Remember, Taurus, that growth often comes from unexpected places. By allowing yourself to be vulnerable and to explore the unknown territories of your psyche, you open yourself up to profound insights and transformations.

GEMINI (May 21-June 20)

Gemini, the New Moon in Sagittarius accompanies you in extending your truth and love towards others. The arrow that is shot with authenticity can reduce distances, even those you thought were irreducible. Explore and expand the desire to build authentic relationships and you will find a safe place to construct new paths.

For you, Gemini, this New Moon in Sagittarius heralds a time of meaningful connections and deep communication. It encourages you to express your ideas and feelings openly and honestly, bridging gaps in understanding and fostering closer bonds with others. This is a period to embrace the Sagittarian quest for truth and directness in your interactions.

This lunar phase challenges you to go beyond surface-level conversations and to engage in dialogues that reveal your true self. It’s about finding common ground with others, not just through intellectual exchange, but through shared values and mutual understanding.

The New Moon’s influence also encourages you to be more adventurous in your approach to relationships. Consider exploring new ways of connecting with people, be it through social activities, travel, or deep philosophical discussions.

Remember, Gemini, that authenticity is key. The more genuine you are in your interactions, the more likely you are to form connections that are both meaningful and lasting. Authenticity also means being open to hearing others’ truths, even when they differ from your own.

This is also a time to reflect on your relationship goals. What do you seek in your connections with others? How can you foster relationships that are not only intellectually stimulating but also emotionally fulfilling?

New Moon, black and white picture.

CANCER (June 21-July 22)

Cancer, the New Moon in Sagittarius directs you towards exploring new habits that ensure your psychophysical well-being. Feel free to explore new and creative ways to reconnect with your daily life and the present moment.

For you, Cancer, this New Moon signifies an opportunity to revitalize your daily routines. Sagittarius energy encourages you to expand your horizons, even in the smallest aspects of your life. It’s an ideal time to introduce changes that can enhance your overall well-being, be it through new health practices, different approaches to work, or revitalizing your living space.

This lunar phase invites you to be adventurous in your pursuit of wellness. Experiment with different types of physical activities, mindfulness practices, or even dietary changes. The key is to find what truly resonates with your body and soul.

The New Moon also emphasizes the importance of being present. In your quest for emotional and physical health, consider practices that ground you in the here and now, like meditation or journaling. It’s about creating a balance between caring for your inner self and engaging actively with the world around you.

Remember, Cancer, that nurturing yourself is as important as nurturing others. This period is about self-care and creating an environment, both internally and externally, that supports your growth and happiness.

Consider how you can bring Sagittarian enthusiasm into your daily life. It might be through learning something new every day, exploring different cultures through their cuisine, or simply by making time to do things that bring you joy.

LEO (July 23-Aug. 22)

Leo, the New Moon in Sagittarius encourages you to rediscover the authentic and primal desire to express your passions and your creative impulse. Shoot the arrow as far as you can and then enjoy reaching it, abandoning conventions and rules and expressing, freely, the part of you that desires and craves.

For you, Leo, this New Moon is an invitation to unleash your creative potential and to reconnect with what truly ignites your passion. Sagittarius energy inspires you to aim high and embrace the journey towards achieving your dreams. It’s a time to break free from any constraints that have been holding back your expressive and artistic side.

This lunar phase encourages you to step out of the ordinary and to experiment with new forms of self-expression. Whether it’s through art, performance, or any other creative outlet, it’s about finding joy in the process of creation and not just the end result.

The New Moon also urges you to let go of worrying about others’ opinions. Embrace your unique flair and allow yourself to be bold and daring in your pursuits. Remember, Leo, your strength lies in your ability to shine brightly and inspire others through your own authenticity.

Consider how you can incorporate more playfulness and spontaneity into your creative endeavors. Sometimes, the most profound artistic expressions come from a place of fun and freedom, rather than structured planning.

This is also a great time to start new creative projects or to breathe new life into existing ones. Sagittarius energy lends you an optimistic outlook, helping you to see the possibilities and potential in your creative ideas.

VIRGO (Aug. 23-Sept. 22)

Virgo, the New Moon in Sagittarius urges you to revolutionize the way you experience home and family. It’s time to explore new ways of relating to your intimate and private life and to your personal concept of roots. Perhaps it’s also the right time to explore your origins and find a deeper sense of belonging.

For you, Virgo, this New Moon presents an opportunity to redefine what home and family mean to you. Sagittarius energy encourages growth and exploration, suggesting that you might benefit from broadening your perspectives on these aspects of your life. Consider adopting new traditions or reimagining your living space to better reflect your evolving needs and desires.

This period is also about connecting more deeply with your heritage or background. Understanding where you come from can provide a stronger foundation for where you’re heading. If there are aspects of your family history you’re curious about, now is a great time to start delving into them.

The New Moon is also prompting you to create a nurturing environment, both physically and emotionally. This might involve decluttering your space, bringing in elements that inspire you, or simply creating a routine that fosters peace and comfort.

Remember, Virgo, your practical nature often focuses on the functionality of your environment, but this New Moon invites you to also consider its emotional resonance. How does your space make you feel? How do your daily routines and interactions within your home contribute to your sense of well-being?In your interactions with family, this lunar phase might encourage you to communicate more openly and to embrace new dynamics. It’s about creating harmony and understanding, even if it means stepping out of your comfort zone.

LIBRA (Sept. 23-Oct 22)

Libra, the New Moon in Sagittarius encourages you to explore new ways of expressing yourself and communicating your feelings, stepping out of your safety boundaries. Explore the world of words and let your voice out so that it reaches distant places and its echo can create new opportunities.

For you, Libra, this New Moon is an invitation to break free from conventional ways of thinking and communicating. Sagittarius energy is all about expansion and exploration, urging you to express your ideas and emotions in ways you haven’t before. Whether it’s through writing, speaking, or other forms of communication, it’s time to let your voice be heard.

This lunar phase is an excellent opportunity for you to share your thoughts on broader platforms. Consider writing a blog, starting a podcast, or engaging in public speaking. Your natural diplomacy and fairness make your perspectives valuable and needed in larger conversations.

The New Moon also encourages you to be more adventurous in your intellectual pursuits. Maybe it’s time to delve into a subject you’ve always been curious about or to take a class that challenges your current way of thinking.

Remember, Libra, that your ability to see different sides of a story is a strength. Use this time to explore and express these diverse viewpoints. Your balanced approach can inspire and enlighten others. Also, consider how your words can build bridges. In a world often divided, your ability to communicate with grace and empathy can create understanding and open doors to new opportunities and connections.

SCORPIO (Oct. 23-Nov. 21)

Scorpio, the New Moon in Sagittarius urges you to reach beyond your limiting space and to touch, explore, build, and try to amplify the tangible world around you. It’s the right time to venture into new investments or plan big for a future that embraces abundance.

For you, Scorpio, this New Moon is a call to action, particularly in the material and practical aspects of your life. Sagittarius energy brings a sense of optimism and possibility, encouraging you to think bigger and bolder, especially when it comes to financial or business endeavors.

Consider exploring new avenues for growth and expansion. This could mean diversifying your investments, starting a new business venture, or expanding an existing project. The key is to take calculated risks that have the potential to yield significant rewards.

The New Moon also invites you to look at your resources in a new light. This is an excellent time to reassess your assets and resources, and to strategize how best to utilize them for maximum benefit.

Remember, Scorpio, your strength lies in your ability to transform and regenerate. Use this lunar phase to transform your financial strategies or to breathe new life into your material pursuits. This period is also about building a foundation for long-term security. Think about how your current actions can contribute to a prosperous and stable future. Planning and foresight are crucial during this time.

Additionally, the New Moon’s influence might inspire you to be more adventurous with your resources. Consider investing in something that aligns not just with your financial goals, but also with your personal values and passions.

SAGITTARIUS (Nov. 22-Dec. 21)

Sagittarius, the Moon is in your sign and amplifies your ability to feel, perceive, and communicate. It’s your moment to illuminate that part of you that is your essence and yearns to be seen and shared. Open yourself to perception, listen to your instinct, and allow yourself to explore your emotional world and your sentimental needs.

For you, Sagittarius, this New Moon is a profound opportunity for self-discovery and expression. It highlights your natural inclination for honesty and authenticity, urging you to share more of yourself with the world. Your usually expansive outlook is now turned inward, giving you the chance to understand and articulate your deeper emotions and desires.

This lunar phase is particularly potent for you in terms of personal growth. It’s a time to reconnect with your inner self and to reflect on what truly makes you happy and fulfilled. This introspection can lead to significant insights about your path and purpose.

The New Moon’s influence also encourages you to trust your intuition. Your sign is known for its wisdom and understanding, and now is the time to use these gifts to guide your choices and actions, especially in personal relationships. Consider how you can authentically express your feelings and thoughts. Whether through creative projects, conversations with loved ones, or journaling, find ways to convey what’s in your heart.

This is also an excellent time for setting intentions. Focus on what you want to achieve in the coming weeks and months, particularly regarding emotional fulfillment and personal relationships.Remember, Sagittarius, your strength lies in your adventurous spirit and your willingness to explore uncharted territories. Apply this same adventurousness to exploring your emotional landscape.

Beautifully detailed illustration of the Sagittarius zodiac sign, featuring vibrant colors and intricate design.
Sagittarius, the archer.

CAPRICORN (Dec. 22-Jan. 19)

Capricorn, the New Moon in Sagittarius urges you to expand the listening space of your inner self and your spiritual sphere. As you silently focus on listening to yourself, you will hear more clearly the sound of the right direction.

For you, Capricorn, this New Moon is an invitation to delve deeper into your inner world. It encourages a kind of introspection that is not just about practicalities and ambitions, but also about understanding your deeper motivations, desires, and spiritual needs. Sagittarius energy brings a sense of exploration and expansion, suggesting that now is an excellent time to explore aspects of yourself that you may have neglected or overlooked.

This lunar phase encourages you to find quiet moments to reflect. In the stillness, you can tune into your intuition and inner wisdom more effectively. It’s about listening not just to your mind, but also to your heart and spirit.

The New Moon also highlights the importance of aligning your external goals with your internal values. The insights you gain during this time could profoundly affect your path forward, both personally and professionally.Remember, Capricorn, that while you are adept at setting and achieving goals, true fulfillment often comes from a place of inner alignment and understanding. This period is about finding balance between your worldly ambitions and your spiritual and emotional well-being.

Consider practices that aid in self-reflection, such as meditation, journaling, or spending time in nature. These activities can help you connect more deeply with yourself and with the guidance of your inner voice.

AQUARIUS  (Jan. 20-Feb. 18)

Aquarius, the New Moon in Sagittarius accompanies you in expanding the space of your ambitions, so as to involve others as well. Instead of shooting your arrows alone, you can build an orchestra of bows and proceed together, valuing the power of synergies and the common project.

For you, Aquarius, this New Moon brings a focus on collaboration and collective efforts. It encourages you to look beyond individual goals and to see the bigger picture where joint efforts can lead to greater achievements. Sagittarius energy supports broadening your horizons and finding new ways to connect with like-minded individuals or groups.

This lunar phase is an excellent time to initiate group projects or to join community initiatives. Your natural inclination towards innovation and progress can be amplified when working in a team. It’s about harnessing the collective energy and diverse talents to create something impactful.

The New Moon also reminds you that collaboration doesn’t mean losing your individuality. Instead, it’s about contributing your unique skills and perspective to a larger cause. There’s strength in unity, and your role is just as crucial within a group.

Consider reaching out to networks, communities, or friends who share your vision. Brainstorming and ideation can lead to exciting new ventures that align with your humanitarian and progressive ideals.

Remember, Aquarius, your strength lies in your ability to inspire and mobilize others towards a shared vision. This period is about using that ability to create positive change, not just for yourself, but for the wider community.

PISCES (Feb. 19-March 20)

Pisces, the New Moon in Sagittarius urges you to shift your focus from within yourself to the world around you, to what surrounds you and allows you to build your social image. Expand the space of your ambitions and work to ensure that emotions are not a limit but a tool for growth.

For you, Pisces, this New Moon marks a transition from introspection to outward expression. Sagittarius energy encourages you to engage more actively with the external world, especially in social and professional spheres. It’s a time to consider how you can project your inner world and creativity into your public life and career. This moon phase is an ideal time for you to set goals that align with your personal vision but also have a broader impact. Think about how you can use your natural empathy and intuition in a way that contributes to your community or society at large.

The New Moon also invites you to use your emotional depth as a source of strength. Rather than allowing your sensitivities to hold you back, channel them into creative or compassionate endeavors. Your emotions can be a powerful driver for connecting with others and for achieving your ambitions.

Consider exploring opportunities that allow you to use your unique talents in a public or professional setting. Whether it’s through art, healing, or advocacy, find ways to share your gifts with a wider audience.

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