Your Saturnine November 2024 Horoscope (+ Painting)


Step into November with the Saturnine horoscope. First, we’ll encounter a preliminary introduction to the celestial symphony of this period. After that, we will uncover what November 2024 has in store for each zodiac sign. And you’ll discover which painting represents your sign for the month to come!

Prefer listening? Tune in to our podcast for your full horoscope by sign.

November begins in the fiery season of Scorpio, where everything is as much about depth as it is about surface. It’s the perfect time to connect with your passions, needs, and everything that stirs within, needing to be seen to be expressed. On November 21st, the Sun will move into Sagittarius, marking the onset of winter for the warm fire sign, which aims its arrow to reach the farthest targets.

November welcomes us with the New Moon in Scorpio on the first day of the month, offering us the opportunity to plant the seeds of a new beginning starting from ourselves. The following day, Mars enters the sky of the proud and creative Leo, where all energies will be channeled into expressing one’s self, with and without ego.

On November 11th, Venus enters Capricorn. Here the energies shift from the fire element to the earth element. The priority becomes building, looking to the future, and creating something solid that can become a safe harbor.

On November 15th, the Full Moon will shine in the sky of Taurus, opposing the dark Sun of Scorpio, and pushing us all to reflect on the sense of possession and value. We will need to release everything that blocks our process of personal and external conquest.

Jupiter in Gemini is still retrograde, prompting us all to question ourselves, to dismantle the foundations of our most solid beliefs, and to discern if they were truly necessary. Like it, Mercury will also begin its retrograde motion on November 25th, in the skies of expansive Sagittarius. Its slowdown urges us to step back and ensure that we have all the knowledge needed to continue with our life projects.

November calendar painting.
November, Theodorus van Hoytema Dutch, 1907

November will be a month of profound reflection, with two planets in retrograde motion pushing us to look inward, glance back, and ensure that we have and understand what we need to continue on our path. It will also be the perfect time to gather the discoveries and changes that occurred during the Scorpio season and organize ourselves for expanding our space. With the Sun moving into Sagittarius, it will be imbued with the energies of Jupiter, the planet that rules the sign. 

This alignment enhances our desire for growth and exploration, urging us to broaden our horizons and embrace the expansive and philosophical qualities of Sagittarius. As we align with these expansive energies, we’re encouraged to think bigger, seek truth, and explore new possibilities that can enrich our lives and broaden our understanding of the world.

November Horoscope & Your Monthly Painting

With some of  the key transits and aspects revealed, we have a clear view of the cosmic landscape for November. Now, there’s just one thing left: discover your horoscope and the painting that resonates with your sign this month.

Prefer listening? Tune in to our podcast for your full horoscope by sign.

Aries (21 March – 20 April)

Mars in trine warms the passion burning within you, reminding you that you are the first, that before you there was the indistinct, and what comes after you is all to be discovered. With this spirit and renewed enthusiasm, you dive into the exploration of the unknown, with Mercury retrograde in trine slowing down your impulsivity just enough to let you also enjoy the details. The same is done by Jupiter retrograde, which in a harmonious sextile slows your speech and leads you to listen. In this temporary dilation of reality, you will find yourself face to face with freedom. “The Garden of Earthly Delights” by Bosch is your painting of the month because it reminds you that the true meaning lies in the insignificant details.

The stars align in a compelling configuration that amplifies your natural dynamism and brings attention to your relational world. Mars in trine ignites your deep-seated passion, driving you to embark on new explorations and adventures with a spirited energy typical of your sign. This assertive energy encourages you to break new ground and push beyond your usual boundaries. Alongside, Mercury in retrograde trine subtly moderates your pace, ensuring that you absorb and reflect on the details of your journey. This slower pace helps refine your strategies and enhances the effectiveness of your communications.

As the month unfolds, Venus initially casts a favorable light on your social and romantic interactions, smoothing the way for harmony and connection. However, its shift into a square presents a challenge, stirring potential discord in how you balance your individual needs with those of your partners or close associates. This aspect tests your ability to maintain harmony without compromising your authenticity and might lead to necessary, though sometimes uncomfortable, adjustments in your personal and professional relationships.

Taurus (22 April – 30 May)

It seems the heavens are urging you to change, and although this may frighten you, remember that in nature, nothing remains static; everything is in a perpetual state of transformation. Mars in square demands greater determination, while Pluto pushes you to rediscover the idealism you may have lost while striving to build your certainties. Uranus in your sign is constantly stirring, slowly yet profoundly, the revolutionary energies that begin to drive you to free yourself from your conditioning. From the high window of your solid, secure tower, you begin to see a path forming that leads you far away. “Black Square” by Kazimir Malevich is your painting of the month because it inspires you to break the mold, even when it seems unnecessary.

As the month progresses, these energies intensify, challenging the foundations of what you’ve built. Pluto’s influence in particular compels you to look beyond material success and security, driving you to explore broader ideals and perhaps reconnect with aspirations you’ve previously set aside. This planetary movement encourages you to break away from traditional paths and embrace a more idealistic approach to your life’s direction.

The opposition of the Sun highlights the need to expand your perspective further. This celestial challenge prompts you to look beyond your immediate surroundings and consider how your actions and choices resonate on a larger scale. It’s a call to balance your internal desires with external realities, pushing you to align your personal growth with the broader needs of your community or society.

This month, Taurus, you are called to venture beyond the comfort of your well-trodden paths and explore new territories of thought and action that promise a more fulfilling alignment with your deepest convictions.

Gemini (21 May – 21 June)

Jupiter retrograde and Mercury in opposition are drawing you back to the past, a time that can no longer be changed but where you can find the missing pieces to build a new present. You return with new awareness, ready to close those situations that you left open for fear of losing yourself in the limbo of doubt. Now you know that to navigate, you don’t need a safe harbor; you just need to leave the shore behind. Love surprises you again when it reminds you that loving is simpler than your wounds have led you to believe. “The Three Ages of Man” by Giorgione is your painting of the month because it reminds you that you are both what you were and what you will be.

The celestial arrangement brings a reflective journey back through time, prompted by Mercury in opposition and Jupiter retrograde within your sign. This alignment is not merely about revisiting the past, but actively engaging with it to mend unresolved issues and redefine your path forward.

Mercury’s opposition compels you to address unresolved communications and decisions. This might involve revisiting old conversations, reconnecting with people from the past, or finally making decisions you’ve postponed. It’s a time to clarify misunderstandings and tie up loose ends, which can liberate you from lingering doubts and enable clearer progress moving forward.

Jupiter’s retrograde motion in Gemini challenges your beliefs and perspectives. It’s pushing you to question what you thought you knew about yourself and the world around you. This introspective process is about stripping away superficial understandings to reach a deeper, more nuanced grasp of your true motivations and desires. Jupiter encourages a sort of philosophical rebirth, urging you to let go of outdated ideals and embrace those that resonate with your current reality and future aspirations.

The dynamic of these transits suggests a powerful period of adjustment where you are invited to leave behind the security of familiar shores to venture into uncharted emotional and intellectual territories. Love, too, plays a pivotal role this month, as it returns to surprise you with its simplicity and purity, reminding you that genuine connections require vulnerability and openness, free from the scars of past hurts.

Cancer (22 June – 23 July)

Venus in opposition brings forth a stirring within your inner child, thrust into a world filled with responsibilities, structured love, and defined roles. This inner child still yearns to play, to freely express joy, sorrow, or even to seek refuge in hiding when challenges arise. Yet, when you cease to hide, you discover that the light is not as frightening as it seemed and that perhaps what you feared no longer exists in reality. As the month draws to a close, the Sun enters Sagittarius and help your ability to transform emotions into creative expressions. “The Empire of Light” by Rene Magritte is your painting of the month because it reminds you that the best hiding place is often in plain sight, within the light itself.

As November unfolds, the opposition of Venus in Capricorn may stir feelings of constraint around your emotions and relationships, imposing a serious tone on how you express love and affection. This transit highlights the tension between your nurturing nature and the demands of real-world responsibilities, pulling your inner child into a realm where structure and order reign.

However, this phase also sets the stage for personal growth. While Venus challenges you to mature in your emotional expressions and to find stability in your relationships, the beneficial trine from Saturn provides the support you need to manage these emotions effectively. Saturn’s influence during this period lends you resilience and the ability to implement practical solutions to emotional challenges, enabling a mature approach to handling feelings that might otherwise overwhelm you.

The Sun’s trine introduces a refreshing wave of energy, illuminating the creative and transformative potential within you. This aspect warms your spirit and rekindles your imaginative spark, encouraging you to channel your emotions into creative outlets. Whether through art, music, or any form of personal expression, you find a renewed sense of purpose in transforming your internal experiences into something tangible and healing.

Leo (23 July – 23 August)

Mars in your sign, Mercury and Venus in trine, Jupiter and the Sun in sextile and you feel vast, colossal, powerful. The world appears small, traversable, conceivable. Usually, you are advised to keep your ego in check, but right now, it’s appropriate for you to feel the full extent of your potential, to grasp the powerful energy within you that is eager to take shape and emerge. Retrograde Jupiter slows down just enough to help you discern what needs to be let go of permanently, aiding you in reconnecting with your inner events and momentarily setting aside the need to please everyone. The square of the Sun doesn’t extinguish you but instead shines a light on those shadowy areas that you are now able to read. “Allegory of Wisdom and Strength” by Veronese is your painting of the month because it reminds you that the greatest strength lies in the ability to see.

The celestial alignments continue to empower you, illuminating both your strengths and areas for growth. With Mars in your sign, your vitality and drive are at their peak, propelling you forward with a renewed sense of purpose. The harmonious trines from Mercury and Venus enhance your communication and social interactions, ensuring that your charisma shines brightly and your relationships benefit from your warmth and generosity.

The supportive sextiles from Jupiter not only magnify your confidence but also grant you the wisdom to view yourself with a critical eye. This introspective ability, fortified by Jupiter’s retrospective motion, gives you the rare courage to confront your shortcomings. This is not a time of self-reproach but an opportunity for significant personal development. You’re encouraged to reassess your actions, beliefs, and motivations, harnessing this period of self-reflection to refine your approach to life and leadership.

Virgo (24 August – 22 September)

Everything seems to flow more slowly than usual. You too feel as if you’re being held back, more fatigued, less prone to bursts of enthusiasm. This is fine, for to climb a high mountain one must begin with a slow step. Retrograde Jupiter in square grants you just enough space to cultivate the wisdom you’ll need when the time comes to find answers. At the end of the month, Mercury will begin its retrograde motion in square, leaving you feeling at a loss for words. Venus steps in to show you the way, bringing the love you’ve been waiting for right to your doorstep. “St. Jerome in his Study by Candlelight” by Aertan Van Leyden is your painting of the month because it inspires you to find the internal motion that occurs in stillness.

As November unfolds, the celestial dynamics encourage a period of introspective growth mixed with significant external opportunities, particularly in matters of the heart and abundance. Jupiter retrograde in Gemini, forming a challenging square, prompts a deeper questioning of your beliefs and communication styles. This aspect is about reevaluating the ideas and methods you rely on to navigate both personal growth and interpersonal connections. It encourages you to reflect on whether these are still serving you well or if they need refinement.

Mercury’s square further intensifies the need for careful consideration in how you express yourself. You might find that words don’t come as easily, or that misunderstandings are more frequent. This is a time for patience and attention to detail in your communications, ensuring that you are as clear and effective as possible.

Amid these reflective and somewhat challenging aspects, Venus forms a beautiful earth trine, offering a counterbalance of positivity and ease in your relationships and financial matters. This alignment brings a flow of love and material blessings that are close at hand, should you choose to recognize and embrace them. It’s a reminder that, even when the pace of life feels slow or fraught with minor setbacks, there are opportunities for joy and prosperity around you.

Libra (23 September – 23 October)

November tastes like beginnings for you, where everything is thrilling and seen through the hopeful eyes of first experiences. Venus squared, the only dissonant aspect in this first month of your new solar cycle, is not strong enough to dampen your full zest for life, but it does call for more structure. You desire everything at once, and you want it to be beautiful and harmonious as suits your preference, but your ruling planet reminds you that facing challenges is better than ignoring them. As a famous song goes, “nothing comes from diamonds, flowers grow from manure.” “Joie de Vivre” by Kees van Dongen is your painting of the month because it reminds you that you don’t need a reason to celebrate in order to dance joyously.

The square aspect of Venus isn’t so much a negative influence as it is an invitation to transform challenges into satisfying achievements. This aspect encourages you to refine and adjust your desires and relationships, turning them into more structured and meaningful engagements. It’s a time to recognize that not all tensions are setbacks; some are opportunities to deepen your connections and enhance your appreciation of what truly matters.

Mars in sextile provides dynamic support, boosting your energy levels and sharpening your focus on achieving your goals. This supportive aspect fuels your ambition and assists in the materialization of your plans, allowing you to navigate through the month with a sense of purpose and determination. Mars energizes your actions, ensuring that you are not only active but also effective in your endeavors.

Jupiter’s trine brings an expansive touch of resilience, enriching your emotional and intellectual spheres. This aspect broadens your horizons and strengthens your ability to bounce back from any setbacks with greater wisdom and understanding.

Two women of the zodiac standing beneath the signs of Libra and Scorpio
Marcantonio Raimondi , Two women of the zodiac standing beneath the signs of Libra and Scorpio, ca. 1517–20

Scorpio (23 October – 23 November)

Mars and Pluto, your ruling planets, are in square, and you might feel a bit lost. But what if being lost isn’t so bad? What if losing your way meant distancing yourself from who you think you are and rediscovering yourself anew, better, and transformed? The gentle trine from Neptune aids you in finding a sense of self beyond the confines of logic, while the sextile from Venus ushers you into a realm of clearer, purer, simpler love where the answers to your pressing questions come effortlessly, without even needing to ask.When you finally rediscover your compass and the main path, you’ll realize you no longer need them. “Rythme” by Robert Delaunay is your painting of the month because it reminds you that serenity can emerge from stepping outside conventional forms.

The squares between Mars and Pluto evoke a profound sense of disorientation, which, while initially unsettling, can become a powerful catalyst for deep personal growth and transformation. This celestial tension challenges you to examine parts of your identity and life that you may have believed were absolute. The friction generated by these planetary positions pushes you to confront and perhaps dismantle some of the structures and self-conceptions that have defined you up to this point.

As you navigate through these internal upheavals, Neptune’s trine offers a softening counterbalance, providing a flow of intuitive insight that can help you make sense of what feels like chaos. This supportive aspect encourages you to trust your instincts and find guidance from your inner wisdom, which might lead you through less logical, but more spiritually enriching pathways.

Venus forms a harmonious  sextile, bringing clarity and simplicity to your relationships. It opens up lines of communication and understanding, allowing love and compassion, offering gentle reminders of the importance of love and connectedness, even when the journey through self-discovery becomes rugged.

Sagittarius (23 November – 21 December)

Perhaps it’s because Mercury is in your sign, or maybe it’s Mars’ trine or the onset of your new season, but you feel as if your voice is finally capturing perfectly what you feel inside. The boundary between the internal and external is no longer so distinct, and you might risk exposing too much of yourself, only to find out that it was exactly what was needed. Retrograde Jupiter now opposes you, urging you to question your most steadfast beliefs. Dig deep, delve into the depths of those truths you believe to be your foundations. Destroy them without fear of what will happen next. Rebuilding yourself from scratch will be your remedy. “Gorilla with Microphones” by Francis Bacon is your painting of the month, reminding you that the act of destruction is the seed of creation.

The alignment of Mercury in your sign enhances your natural communicative flair and aligns with the onset of your season starting on the 21st. This celestial support amplifies your ability to articulate your thoughts and feelings more effectively, bridging the gap between your inner world and your external expressions. You find yourself speaking with uncharacteristic transparency and depth, which, while potentially making you feel vulnerable, proves to be liberating and constructive.

As your season begins, it brings with it a burst of renewed energy and personal clarity. This is a time for you to shine, to step forward in your truth, and to embrace the adventures that define your spirited nature. The transition into your personal new year is marked by a sense of beginning anew, filled with possibilities and the promise of growth.

Meanwhile, retrograde Jupiter, your ruling planet, now positioned in opposition, presents a series of reflective challenges. This aspect compels you to scrutinize and possibly rethink some of the beliefs and philosophies you’ve long held dear. Jupiter’s retrograde motion encourages a deep, introspective look at your life’s larger themes and asks you to consider whether your current path truly aligns with your deepest truths.

This period of introspection might feel unsettling but is ultimately enriching, pushing you to realign with your most authentic self. The destruction of outdated beliefs and the questioning of old paradigms are not just necessary; they are crucial for your growth and evolution as Jupiter ensures that this reflective process is as profound as it is transformative.

Capricorn (22 December – 20 January)

This is your last month with Pluto in your sign, a planet deeply connected to the unconscious. If you haven’t already seized the opportunity, now is the time to harness the power of Pluto’s symbolism and undergo a profound transformation. Pluto compels you to rediscover your true light, to die and be reborn, and to free yourself from the false certainties that blinded you. To soften and beautify this intense process, a procession of other planets aligns favorably, celebrating your victories and reminding you that you are not alone. “The Last Judgment” by Bosch is your painting of the month, inspiring you to confront your inner demons and emerge victorious.

As November unfolds, you approach a significant cosmic shift with Pluto preparing to exit your sign on November 20th, moving into Aquarius. This transition marks the culmination of a long period of deep, transformative energy that has reshaped your identity and life direction. Pluto’s intense journey through Capricorn has likely brought profound changes and sometimes upheavals, pushing you to redefine your personal and professional life. Now, as Pluto makes its final passage, you are invited to reflect on the metamorphoses you’ve undergone and prepare for the fresh energies that Aquarius will bring.

Adding a gentler touch to this significant transition, Venus enters your sign, smoothing over the rough edges and bringing grace and attraction to your persona. Venus in Capricorn enhances your appeal, softens your interactions, and can bring harmony to relationships that may have been strained by Pluto’s rigorous demands.

Simultaneously, supportive sextiles from the Sun, Saturn, and Neptune provide a solid foundation of stability, intuition, and clarity. These aspects help you see the bigger picture and integrate the profound changes with wisdom and patience. They ensure that as you rebuild or reinforce aspects of your life, you do so with a clear vision of your future and a renewed sense of purpose.

Aquarius (21 January – 19 February)

Mars opposed. Centuries ago, this configuration might have signaled irreparable destruction. Now, understanding the value of the unconscious and the power of symbolism, you know how to harness these energies effectively. Mars demands assertiveness when you feel misunderstood, selfishness when you habitually place yourself last, and reactivity when you need to reflect. Eventually, you release your hold and listen to your most archetypal, primal, and pure instinct: the Martian drive. As soon as you do, everything that seemed static begins to move. The slow dance of your life transforms into a punk performance, where everything that needs to happen simply does.At the end of the month, Pluto makes its official entry into your sign, initiating a slow and profound revolution that will stir the depths of your psyche. “Ubu Imperator” by Max Ernst is your painting of the month, inspiring you to remain in motion even without a clear direction.

Mars in opposition from Leo prods you into realms where assertiveness becomes not just beneficial but necessary. This celestial positioning challenges you to stand firm and express your needs and opinions boldly, pushing against your natural inclination towards detachment and objectivity. It’s a time to assert your individuality and to stand out rather than blend in, even if it feels uncomfortable.

Helping to balance this dynamic, Mercury forms a supportive sextile, enhancing your ability to articulate your thoughts and ideas clearly. This aspect ensures that your assertiveness is not just heard but understood, providing a smooth channel for expressing your viewpoints effectively. It’s an excellent time for negotiations, presentations, or any form of communication that requires both clarity and depth.

Moreover, despite its retrograde motion, Jupiter’s trine injects a dose of optimism into your life, expanding your horizons and encouraging a broader outlook on your current challenges. This influence helps you to see the potential in even the most daunting situations, bolstering your confidence and helping you to remain hopeful about the outcomes of your endeavors.

As Pluto begins to stir the depths of your psyche by the month’s end, you are poised to uncover and harness deeper layers of your power and potential.

Pisces (20 February – 20 March)

Your sea this month is calm, devoid of currents, with no storms on the horizon. Jupiter is in retrograde square, just enough to prevent anything significant from happening. Or so it seems. This is an invitation to delve deeper because, even though everything on the surface appears still, the real movement is happening within you. Mercury encourages you to explore your inner self, while Venus suggests that you do so through love. As soon as you allow yourself to truly open up, what is happening inside will find a way to express itself externally. “The Cliff, Étretat, Sunset” by Claude Monet is your painting of the month, reminding you that what you see is just the tip emerging from the depths.

As November progresses, the celestial backdrop provides a nuanced mix of introspection and revelation. Jupiter’s retrograde in a challenging square may initially seem to stall significant outward developments, but this quiet allows you to turn inwards, where much of the real work is to be done. This period of apparent stillness is deceptive; beneath the surface, you’re undergoing significant emotional and spiritual processing.

The retrograde motion of Mercury beginning on the 25th will deepen this introspective journey, compelling you to revisit past communications and unresolved conversations. This Mercury retrograde in square might challenge you to find the right words or to understand complex emotional undercurrents, both within yourself and in your interactions with others. It’s a time to be careful and thoughtful with your words and to listen intently to what others are not saying as much as to what they are. Amid these reflective energies, the Sun’s trine offers a beacon of clarity and warmth, illuminating the deeper recesses of your unconscious. 

November is a month of diving deep into the psyche, guided by the celestial forces that encourage you to uncover and confront the core of your being. The calmness of the external environment is a gift, not a hindrance, providing you with the necessary space to explore these profound internal landscapes.

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