Six of swords tarot card in the Rider-Waite deck: meaning, symbols & more


While Born Under Saturn’s Instagram page now focuses more on astrology, our exploration of tarot continues here on the blog. Today, we turn our attention to the Six of Swords Tarot card in the Rider-Waite deck, a poignant symbol of transition and mental resilience. This card signifies a journey away from turbulent times towards smoother shores, embodying courage and the triumph of intellect over adversity.

Let’s delve, step by step, into the deeper meanings of the Six of Swords card. The first step is understanding what the Sword suit represents in tarot!

Sword suit

First things first: this is our first card discussion within the Suit of Swords, so a brief introduction to the Sword suit is essential.

For those interested, we previously quickly discussed the Sword suit in our exploration of Aquarius tarot cards. It’s a shining one, go read it!

The Suit of Swords represents the element of Air and embodies intellect, thoughts, communication, and the power of the mind. It symbolizes mental clarity, rationality, truth-seeking, and the ability to cut through confusion or obstacles with sharp insight.

Traditionally, the Suit of Swords has been viewed as negative, often seen as a harbinger of misfortune. This interpretation aligns with a more divinatory and less nuanced perspective of tarot. It’s important to remember that tarot readings are not solely about good or bad outcomes; Swords cards reflect challenges and conflicts that offer opportunities for growth and understanding.

In a more contemporary and insightful approach, the Suit of Swords does not signify misfortunes but rather potential difficulties that arise when we are not aligned with our mental and intellectual power.

With this introduction in mind, let’s now analyze the Six of Swords card.

Six of swords: Description

Category: Minor Arcana

In the Rider-Waite deck, the Six of Swords depicts a touching scene: a man rowing a boat with a woman and a child.

The card depicts their journey across the water towards distant land. The woman’s covered head hints at a sense of sadness or loss, symbolizing her departure from the past. The child seeks solace and safety, that’s why he is nestled close to the woman.

Within the boat, six swords represent the remnants of their past, carried into the future, symbolizing the burdens and lessons that journey with us as we seek new horizons.

Six swords represent the remnants of their past, carried into the future.

While the waters on one side are turbulent, on the other side are quiet: the path ahead promises tranquility. This imagery signifies their departure from a tumultuous situation, towards a more serene and supportive environment.

Six of swords' themes: transition, discovery, healing, solitude, resistance.

Six of swords: Keywords

UPRIGHT: Transition – Shadow work – Discovery – Healing journey – Challenges – Resilience – Moving on – Renewed hope – Emotional recovery 

REVERSED: Resistance to change – Delay – Solitude – Difficult transition – Seeking solace – Letting go – Trapped in the past

Six of swords: Upright Meaning

The Six of Swords card represents transition, departure and escape. It may indicate that you are leaving behind a difficult or painful situation and seeking refuge or a more peaceful resolution. The card offers a sense of relief and the opportunity to gain a clearer perspective.

The Six of Swords card prompts you to contemplate any inner burdens that come from the past. In fact, the presence of the six swords clearly indicates you may still be holding onto weight from your past (ex. thought patterns, beliefs, practices).

In order to embrace personal growth it’s important to decide what to carry forward and what to let go. Take the time to choose wisely and move forward effectively.

In fact, the Six of Swords can represent a period of reflection and introspection. It may indicate the need to withdraw, recharge, and reflect on past experiences. It is a time to take care of yourself and seek rest and inner peace.

Six of swords: Reversed Meaning

The Six of Swords reversed can indicate a fight or a tendency to avoid confronting issues. It might suggest a desire to escape responsibilities or hide from reality. It is important to evaluate whether this escape is truly the best solution or whether it is necessary to face challenges and grow through them.

The reversed Six of Swords may also suggest it’s time for a significant life shift: you need it. Yet, despite its necessity, you may feel hesitant to act. You may wish that the problem will resolve itself without you having to make a difficult choice. Alternatively, you may try to convince yourself that you can cope with the situation despite knowing deep down that it’s time to let go. Remember: to evolve as a person, you need to step out of your comfort zone.

Six of Swords tarot card: a man in a boat, rowing with a woman and a child.
Six of swords tarot card in the Rider-Waite deck.

Six of swords: Love meaning

When discussing the meaning of the Six of Swords, one question often arises: “What does the Six of Swords mean in love?” Let’s explore various interpretations.

The Six of Swords might suggest that the relationship is going through a period of transition toward a better phase. It could indicate that both partners are striving to overcome challenges and move toward a new stage of harmony and stability.

This tarot card could also indicate a separation or emotional distance within the relationship. It might be a sign that one or both partners are seeking some space to reflect on their emotions and gain greater clarity or balance. It is important to examine the surrounding cards to better understand the reason for this separation and whether it is temporary or permanent.

Another interpretation is that the card might emphasize the importance of making rational decisions based on logic in the relationship. It could indicate the need to objectively assess the situation and communicate openly to address any challenges or issues. The Six of Swords can encourage both partners to approach decisions in a balanced manner and seek pragmatic solutions.

It’s important to keep in mind that these are just potential interpretations, and it is crucial to take into account the context and surrounding cards for a more comprehensive understanding of the Six of Swords in a love reading.

Additionally, the Six of Swords may suggest that both partners need a period of reflection and self-care in the relationship. It might indicate that it is important to take time to examine emotions, personal needs, and evaluate the future trajectory of the relationship. This could involve heightened self-awareness and a search for inner balance before progress can be made in the relationship itself.

Six of swords: unveiling the symbolism of the Rider-Waite deck

The Six of Swords in the Rider-Waite deck – as every card in this renowned tarot deck– holds profound symbolism that greatly influences its interpretation and meaning. Deliberately crafted to evoke specific emotions, convey conceptual themes, and embody archetypal representations, this card invites us to dive deep into its symbolic realm.

The boat

The primary visible symbol in the Six of Swords is the boat. In Tarot, boats and ships symbolize the progression or transition of a situation or events, signifying movement and growth for the reader. The boat represents transition and movement in this card too. It’s indicating a smoother passage or separation from a difficult situation. This symbol evokes the idea of a journey or a change of scenery, urging towards a new phase.

The ferryman

The ferryman in the Six of Swords can be seen as a spiritual guide or companion during the transition. It is thanks to this figure that the boat safely crosses to the other side, symbolizing the importance of taking control of one’s life and navigating through the challenges that emerge.

A ferryman carrying passengers in his punt to the furthest shore. The course is smooth, and seeing that the freight is light, it may be noted that the work is not beyond his strength.

– (The Original Rider Waite Pictorial Key To The Tarot)

The figure of the ferryman navigating the boat across turbulent waters may evoke parallels with Charon from Greek mythology. Charon is the ferryman of Hades who transports souls across the river Styx to the realm of the dead. Similarly, the ferryman in the Six of Swords guides passengers through a transitional phase, symbolizing a journey from troubled times to a more serene future. Both figures represent guides or facilitators aiding in the passage from one state or realm to another, embodying themes of transition, guidance, and crossing boundaries.

Charon, illustration by Gustave Doré.

Six swords

On the boat, positioned in front of the ferryman and the other figures, rest six swords. These swords form a semi-cage around the passengers, obstructing their view and restricting their perspective. Symbolically, they hold multiple meanings.

As mentioned earlier, the swords can represent the remnants of the past being carried into the future. They may symbolize the weight of past experiences but also signify the possibility of leaving behind those burdensome thoughts or difficulties to illuminate a new path.

There is also more: these swords act as barriers that impede one’s ability to foresee the future in the present moment.

Water, from turbulent to calm

It’s fascinating how everything in the Six of Swords card represents transition. The power of symbols is unique, and tarot cards fully encapsulate this concept. Within the Six of Swords card, even the water surrounding the boat tells a compelling story of transition. It’s a symbol of leaving something behind to reach something different.

On one side, the water is turbulent, symbolizing the challenges and emotional turmoil of the past. On the other side, the water is calm, representing the peace and clarity that await as one moves forward.

The turbulent water in the card is small, while the calm surface is expansive, symbolizing hope and renewed optimism. This contrast underscores the journey from struggle to serenity, emphasizing the card’s theme of moving away from difficulties toward a more tranquil and hopeful future.

The Bottom line: Is the Six of swords a Yes or a No card?

You might have encountered interpretations suggesting that the Six of Swords unequivocally signifies a “yes” in yes-or-no tarot readings because it generally points towards a positive outcome. It symbolizes progress, moving forward, and healing – a shift towards a more positive and calmer direction. However, the reality is waaaay more nuanced.

In tarot readings, seeking definitive answers like a simple “yes” or “no” is illusory. The future cannot be predicted with absolute certainty; instead, it unfolds based on our actions, choices, and circumstances.

The true power of tarot lies in its symbols and the emotions they evoke.

It’s crucial to remember that tarot cards offer insights and possibilities rather than concrete predictions of the future. They provide a glimpse into potential paths and outcomes, highlighting the importance of personal agency and decision-making in shaping our lives.

This is just a glimpse; we’ve delved much deeper into the accuracy of yes-or-no tarot readings. To understand more about how tarot should be used as a psychological tool rather than a lottery providing straightforward answers, go read our full article!

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