The Wheel of Fortune tarot card meaning, key symbols & more


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Category: Major Arcana

The Wheel of Fortune, the 10th card in the Major Arcana, serves as a potent symbol of destiny, cycles, and life’s ever-turning wheel. This tarot card offers profound insights into the intricate web of fate and the cyclical nature of existence.

The Wheel of Fortune: Description

The Rider-Waite Tarot deck’s Wheel of Fortune card boasts a captivating and intricate illustration. At its center, a sizable wheel is suspended, adorned with various mystical creatures and letters, including the Hebrew letters Yod, Heh, Vau, and Heh, which symbolize the divine name of God.

On the outer rim, the four Tarot symbols – the angel, eagle, lion, and bull – represent the four fixed signs of the zodiac. This wheel is in perpetual motion, with some parts ascending while others descend, symbolizing the ever-changing cycles of life and fortune.

In the middle of the wheel, you’ll find the alchemical symbols for mercury, sulfur, water, and salt, which are the foundational components of life and the four essential elements. These symbols signify the creative and formative forces inherent to the Wheel of Fortune card.

Beyond the circle, on the left side, a serpent, symbolizing the Egyptian god Typhon, also known as the god of evil, is depicted. On the right side, you’ll find Anubis, another Egyptian deity, serving as the god of the dead, who welcomes souls to the underworld.

Atop the wheel, a sphinx sits, wielding a sword and symbolizing wisdom and balance. The Wheel of Fortune card offers a visual representation of the dynamic forces that shape our lives, reminding us of the perpetual ebb and flow of destiny.

The Wheel of Fortune: Keywords

UPRIGHT: Destiny – Cycles – Luck – Fate – Transformation – Divine Timing – Turning Points – Karmic Forces – Serendipity – Prosperity – Success in Motion – Cosmic Plan – Providential Events

REVERSED: Stagnation – Bad Luck – Delays – Misfortune – Resistance to Change – Poor Timing – Hindered Progress – Stuck in a Rut – Unfulfilled Destiny – Negative Karma – Breaking Cycles

Hand holding The Wheel of Fortune Tarot card in the Visconti Tarot deck.
The Wheel of Fortune tarot card in the Visconti deck.

The Wheel of Fortune: Meaning

What does the Wheel of Fortune mean? The Wheel of Fortune embodies the essence of destiny and the unceasing cycles that define our lives. Let’s delve into both its upright and reversed meanings.

Upright Meaning

In its upright position, The Wheel of Fortune tarot card embodies the very essence of destiny and the perpetual cycles that define our lives. This card symbolizes a period of transformation beyond our control, guided by the unseen hand of the universe. Greater cosmic forces, akin to those governing the Sun, Moon, and seasons, orchestrate the intricate dance of existence, leaving us with no dominion in this cosmic ballet.

When this card appears in an upright reading, it beckons us to trust in the cosmic mechanisms at play, emphasizing that every phase, every twist and turn, is an integral part of a grander design. The Wheel of Fortune represents life’s ebb and flow, embracing its highs and lows, assuring us that our journey unfolds toward a greater purpose, driven by the profound concept of synchronicity, where meaningful coincidences gently guide our path.

This card holds the promise of good fortune and opportunities, inviting us to seize the moment and embrace life’s ever-turning wheel. It symbolizes fate aligning with our best interests, offering potential for profound transformation, growth, and achievement. In essence, it reminds us to cherish the good moments, for they are fleeting, and to remain mindful that life’s ascent is inevitably followed by a descent, just as a descent leads to a subsequent ascent.

The Wheel of Fortune is a perpetual reminder of the cyclical nature of our existence.

Reversed Meaning

In its reversed position, The Wheel of Fortune tarot card takes on a different significance, signaling a period marked by stagnation, misfortune, and a sense of being stuck in a seemingly unending cycle.

This reversal suggests that the cosmic forces that once favored progress and transformation have momentarily faltered, leading to delays and missed opportunities. It’s as if the invisible hand guiding the wheel has momentarily let go of its grasp, leaving us in a state of resistance to change and poor timing.

The Wheel of Fortune in reverse reminds us that life’s rhythm is subject to fluctuations, and during these times, our best-laid plans may encounter obstacles and unexpected challenges. This card serves as a call to exercise patience and resilience while waiting for the wheel to turn in our favor once more.

In adversity, be patient, change awaits around the corner.

The Wheel of Fortune Tarot card in the Rider-Waite Tarot deck placed in an enchanting setting on a candle.
The Wheel of Fortune Tarot card in the Rider-Waite Tarot deck.

The Wheel of Fortune: Love meaning

In matters of love and relationships, The Wheel of Fortune tarot card represents a significant shift and change. When this card appears in a love reading, it suggests that the relationship is entering a new phase or experiencing a turning point.

For those in existing relationships, it can indicate a period of transformation, where couples may encounter unexpected challenges or opportunities for growth. The card reminds us that love, like life, has its ups and downs, and sometimes, unforeseen events can lead to a deeper connection or a necessary shift in the partnership.

For singles, The Wheel of Fortune signals that a fateful encounter or a new romance might be on the horizon, bringing with it a sense of destiny and serendipity. This card encourages individuals to embrace change in love with an open heart, as it often leads to profound and positive outcomes, ultimately aligning with one’s greater romantic destiny.

The Wheel of Fortune: Key symbols

The Wheel of Fortune card brims with rich symbolism, with each element contributing to its profound meanings. Here, we’ll delve into some of the key symbols that play a central role in understanding the card’s significance.

It’s important to note that the symbols described are from the Rider-Waite Tarot deck, one of the most widely recognized and used Tarot decks. Different Tarot decks have variations in their depictions of cards. We’ve already noticed this with the Hermit tarot card, where the lantern and the light are depicted in completely different ways in the Rider-Waite, Marseille, and Visconti decks. To explore these differences regarding the Hermit, click here.

If you haven’t yet secured your own Rider-Waite Tarot deck and are interested in doing so, click here to visit the product’s Amazon page.

The wheel

At the heart of the Wheel of Fortune card lies its most prominent and captivating symbol – the wheel itself. This wheel stands as a powerful representation of the perpetual cycles that shape our existence. Divided into distinct sections, each adorned with a unique creature – the angel, eagle, lion, and bull – the wheel aligns with the four fixed signs of the zodiac.

The presence of these celestial creatures reinforces the idea that our lives are intertwined with the cosmos. The angel signifies purity and spiritual insight, the eagle represents sharp vision and clarity, the lion embodies strength and courage, and the bull conveys stability and endurance. Together, these creatures symbolize the multifaceted qualities of human experience, revealing the intricate interplay of forces that mold our path.

Moreover, the wheel’s ceaseless motion serves as a profound reminder that life is a constant flux of change. Just as the wheel turns, so do the circumstances in our lives evolve and transform. It embodies the ebb and flow of existence, where ups and downs are intrinsic to our journey. The Wheel of Fortune invites us to embrace this ever-turning wheel, recognizing that, in its revolution, lie the keys to understanding the cyclical nature of life’s challenges and opportunities.

Let’s also precise the letters inscribed on the wheel – transliterating as TARO or ROTA – are counterchanged with the letters of the Divine Name, signifying the presence of Providence throughout our journey. As the Wheel turns, the letters rearrange, reading ROTA TARO ORAT TORA ATOR. These Latin words roughly translate to “The Wheel of Tarot speaks the Law of Nature”.

Close-up of The Wheel of Fortune Tarot card in the Rider-Waite Tarot deck, with the key symbols highlighted: the wheel itself and the snake.
A detailed view of The Wheel of Fortune in the Rider-Waite Tarot Deck, focusing on the wheel and the snake symbols.

The Sphinx

Perched atop the wheel, the sphinx is a symbol of wisdom and balance. With its enigmatic gaze, it carries a sword representing the power of discernment. The sphinx reminds us that, even amidst the chaos of life’s revolutions, a sense of equilibrium and wise decision-making is essential. This symbol urges us to maintain our inner poise, enabling us to navigate the ever-turning wheel with grace and wisdom.

The alchemical symbols

The Wheel of Fortune card showcases a captivating array of alchemical symbols, each brimming with profound significance within the realm of Tarot and mysticism. Nestled at the center of the wheel’s hub, one encounters the enigmatic symbols of mercury, sulfur, water, and salt, each intricately interwoven with the fundamental elements of life and the delicate art of transformation.

Mercury, often associated with fluidity and adaptability, symbolizes the ever-evolving nature of existence. Meanwhile, sulfur embodies the potent force of profound transformation, evoking the essence of alchemical transmutation. Water, a representation of emotions and intuition, reflects the fluidity of our inner world, while salt, signifying stability and grounding, firmly anchors us to the material realm.

Moreover, these alchemical symbols find their place on four of the wheel’s spokes, underscoring their pivotal role in significant alchemical endeavors and the creation of both the physical and spiritual worlds. These symbols serve as the very foundational components of life and creativity, akin to the tools wielded by The Magician to manifest his will within the intricate tapestry of Tarot.

Notably, these symbols are recurrently associated with the four Tarot “suits” – Pentacles or Discs, Wands, Swords, and Cups. These alchemical emblems stand as a testament to the interconnectedness of the physical and metaphysical realms, deftly weaving together threads of transformation, intuition, and stability.

The Snake and Anubis

Outside the wheel, two guardian figures stand sentinel. On the left, a snake, symbolizing the Egyptian god Typhon, known as the god of evil, serves as a reminder of life’s darker moments.

On the right, the figure of Anubis, another Egyptian deity, representing the god of the dead and the guide to the underworld, is a symbol of transitions and the unknown. These figures emphasize the dualities and contrasts inherent in life, prompting us to recognize that the wheel’s revolutions can take us through both challenging and enlightening phases.

The Wheel of Fortune: Does it mean Yes or No in a tarot reading?

While some interpretations may suggest that the Wheel of Fortune signifies a clear ‘Yes’ for any question, also those about love, during a yes or no tarot reading, the reality is more complex. Tarot doesn’t provide straightforward answers. The future cannot be predicted with certainty, but our actions and choices can influence it.

Let’s open a parenthesis about the realm of love and relationships. Many questions related to the Wheel of Fortune and love demand a straightforward answer, but this card, like others, doesn’t lend itself to a simple binary response. Love is a multifaceted and evolving aspect of our lives, influenced by our emotions, choices, and the unpredictable nature of human connections.

Instead of seeking definitive yes or no answers, tarot’s true power lies in the insights it provides, guiding us to explore the dynamics within ourselves and our relationships. The Wheel of Fortune card may signify a turning point, a period of change, or unexpected developments, but our own choices and intentions ultimately steer the course of our lives and love lives.

To delve deeper into the intricacies of yes or no tarot readings, continue reading here.

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