How Venus in Virgo impacts every zodiac sign


Venus will move from Leo to Virgo on August 5, 2024, shifting energies from colorful and intense to more structured and organized. Here, Venus builds love day by day, detail by detail. It positions herself constructively where practicality and small meaningful gestures form the lasting foundation for long-term projects.

It is a “mercurial” Venus because it shifts in a sign represented by the planet of intellect. Thus, it is a Venus that prefers mental love over sensory love, the beauty of knowledge over the allure of mystery, and slow-burning passion over fierce, all-consuming passion.

In Virgo Venus builds love day by day, detail by detail.


So, here we’ll delve into the significance of Venus in Virgo. But if you prefer brief updates on transits, follow us on our Born Under Saturn Instagram page. There, we share more concise updates that are also easier to save or share with friends.

Venus in Virgo embraces reliability and care

As Venus transitions into Virgo, the flamboyant and dramatic expressions of affection typical of Leo give way to a more subdued, thoughtful approach to love. This period encourages nurturing relationships through attentiveness and care. The focus goes on the small things that often go unnoticed but build a strong, enduring bond.

In Virgo, Venus emphasizes the importance of stability and reliability in love. Grand gestures are replaced by daily acts of kindness and consideration, creating a safe and comfortable environment for relationships to thrive. This shift encourages us to appreciate the beauty in routine and the elegance in simplicity.

Venus in Virgo is also about refining our approach to relationships. It invites us to analyze and improve, seeking ways to make our connections more meaningful and efficient. Communication becomes more precise, and understanding deepens as we pay closer attention to the nuances of our interactions.

Drawing of Venus reclining with closed eyes, perhaps asleep.
Drawing of 'Venus' by James McNeill Whistler, 1859.

Venus in Virgo teaches us that true beauty lies in the details. By focusing on the small, everyday moments, we create a mosaic of love that is both resilient and profound. This transit is a reminder that lasting love is not built on grandiose declarations. Instead, Virgo’s love is based on the quiet, consistent efforts that weave two lives together into a harmonious whole.

It is no coincidence that the sign of Virgo is often associated with the Tarot card of the Hermit, which represents a slow, wise, and prudent approach. The Hermit abandons glitz and excess, instead embracing the apparent simplicity of the essential, for within it lies the true meaning of sentiment.

Venus in Virgo Horoscope

Unveiling the horoscope – Explore the unique impact that the Venus in Virgo phase will have on each zodiac sign.

Aries (21 March – 20 April)

Aries, Venus in Virgo brings you back to focusing on your life, on the small things that you usually overlook because they are far from grand endeavors. Yet, even in the small corners of daily life, great beauty awaits, waiting for you to grasp and nurture it.

During this time, pay attention to the details that often go unnoticed. Simple acts, like organizing your space, tending to a plant, or enjoying a quiet moment, can bring immense satisfaction. Venus in Virgo teaches you that true fulfillment comes from appreciating the everyday moments. Embrace this period to nurture these small, beautiful aspects of your life, and you’ll find a deeper sense of contentment.

Taurus (22 April – 30 May)

Taurus, Venus in Virgo redirects your focus to creativity and fun, reminding you to pay attention to the dynamics that inspire your self-expression. Embrace the details, resolve any loose ends, and immerse yourself in the flow of knowledge and creativity. 

As Venus settles into Virgo, it’s an ideal moment to revisit your creative pursuits with a renewed sense of purpose. Dive into your projects with meticulous care, paying attention to the small details that make your work unique. Whether you’re exploring a new hobby or refining an existing talent, let the precision and dedication of Virgo guide you. Enjoy the simple pleasures of life and balance work with play, allowing yourself to be fully present in each moment. This period is not just about productivity but also about finding fulfillment in the process. Let the flow of knowledge and inspiration carry you forward, enriching your life with both creativity and joy.

Gemini (21 May – 21 June)

Gemini, Venus in Virgo guides you to resolve unresolved issues from your past, helping you reconnect with your family or roots. This transit encourages you to address lingering matters with a practical and compassionate approach, bringing healing and understanding. Take this opportunity to mend old wounds and strengthen family bonds, finding peace in your personal history.

 By focusing on the details and showing genuine care, you’ll create a more harmonious environment. Let Venus in Virgo inspire you to embrace your heritage, appreciate the wisdom of your past, and build a solid foundation for the future, enriching your sense of identity and belonging.

Cancer (22 June – 23 July)

Cancer, Venus in Virgo brings warmth and humility to your need for connection and understanding. This transit encourages you to communicate with sincerity and attentiveness, fostering deeper relationships. Pay attention to the nuances in your interactions, as small gestures and thoughtful words can make a significant impact. 

Embrace a humble approach, allowing your genuine care for others to shine through. This period is an opportunity to strengthen your bonds and create meaningful connections that are both nurturing and supportive. Let Venus in Virgo guide you towards a more heartfelt and sincere way of relating to those around you.

Leo (23 July – 23 August)

Leo, Venus in Virgo helps you bring love and attention to detail in the projects you undertake and the things you have built. It supports you in creating new ventures, showing you how far you can go when you value your passions. 

This transit encourages you to infuse your work with care and precision, ensuring that every aspect reflects your dedication and creativity. By focusing on the finer points, you’ll elevate your projects to new heights, gaining recognition and satisfaction. Let Venus in Virgo inspire you to explore your potential fully, knowing that your meticulous approach can lead to extraordinary achievements.

Virgo (24 August – 22 September)

Virgo, Venus is in your sign, bringing with her the desire to love, to feel loved, and to give yourself the opportunity to step out and embrace the world. This is the perfect time to focus on yourself and to take up more space. Allow yourself to be seen and appreciated, expressing your true self with confidence. 

Embrace self-care and prioritize your well-being, knowing that nurturing yourself is the first step to forming deeper connections with others. Let Venus guide you to expand your horizons, opening your heart to new experiences and relationships that enrich your life.

"Reclining Naiad" sculpted by Antonio Canova.

Libra (23 September – 23 October)

Libra, Venus in Virgo urges you to bring humility and kindness toward yourself. This is the time to be gentle with your feelings and your pain, allowing yourself the grace to heal. Focus on self-compassion and nurturing your inner well-being. Embrace your vulnerabilities and take steps to care for your emotional and mental health. 

Let Venus in Virgo guide you in creating a soothing environment where you can reflect, recover, and grow stronger. This period is all about self-love and finding peace within, laying the foundation for a more balanced and harmonious life.

Scorpio (23 October – 23 November)

Scorpio, Venus in Virgo illuminates that part of you that needs to rediscover a sincere connection with the world and the people around you. This transit encourages you to open up and engage with others in meaningful ways. 

Allow yourself to be vulnerable and honest, building relationships based on trust and authenticity. Take the time to listen and truly understand those around you, fostering deeper bonds. Let Venus in Virgo guide you to connect with the world in a more genuine and heartfelt manner, enhancing your sense of belonging and emotional fulfillment.

Sagittarius (23 November – 21 December)

Sagittarius, Venus in Virgo brings passion and beauty back into your career and ignites your desire to build independence. This transit encourages you to infuse your professional endeavors with creativity and meticulous attention to detail. 

Embrace the opportunities to refine your skills and showcase your talents, allowing your work to reflect your dedication and passion. Let Venus in Virgo inspire you to pursue your career goals with renewed vigor, as you find new ways to achieve personal and professional growth. This is the perfect time to focus on building a stable foundation for your independence and future success.

Capricorn (22 December – 20 January)

Capricorn, Venus in Virgo calls for attention and love in embracing the different, the distant, and everything that doesn’t belong to you. With an approach of gentle curiosity, you’ll open yourself up to welcoming new perspectives and experiences. This transit encourages you to step out of your comfort zone and explore the unknown with an open heart.

Allow yourself to learn from and connect with diverse cultures and ideas, enriching your life in unexpected ways. Let Venus in Virgo guide you in finding beauty and value in the unfamiliar, fostering a broader and more inclusive worldview.

Aquarius (21 January – 19 February)

Aquarius, Venus in Virgo illuminates the hidden corners of your life that are still shrouded in darkness, urging you to understand and bring them to light. This transit encourages deep introspection and the courage to confront aspects of yourself and your experiences that you may have avoided. 

Embrace this opportunity to heal and grow by acknowledging these shadowy areas and integrating them into your overall sense of self. Let Venus in Virgo guide you toward clarity and self-awareness, helping you to create a more harmonious and balanced life.

Pisces (20 February – 20 March)

Pisces, Venus in Virgo opposes your sun and sheds light on your shadow side, the part that gives more space to reason and less to imagination. Embrace this approach and use it to resolve old situations in love. 

This transit encourages you to balance your dreamy nature with practical thinking, allowing you to address relationship issues with clarity and precision. By merging intuition with logic, you’ll find effective solutions and bring harmony to your romantic life. Let Venus in Virgo guide you to create a more grounded and realistic perspective on love, enhancing your emotional connections and personal growth.

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