What Tarot card(s) represent Virgo? The Hermit and…


Let’s dive right in! The Hermit tarot card is often associated with the Virgo zodiac sign. However, there’s more to the story.  We’ll discover another intriguing connection for Virgo – a card from the Minor Arcana, a pentacle (but we won’t reveal its identity just yet!).

Before we delve deeper, let’s address a common misconception: there’s no single, definitive tarot card for each zodiac sign. However, that doesn’t diminish the fascinating symbolic links between them! Astrology and tarot share a rich tapestry of meaning, and exploring these connections can enhance our understanding of both practices.

In this spirit, we’ll be analyzing the symbolic links between the Hermit and Virgo, along with this surprise pentacle card… Let’s go!

Why is Virgo connected to The Hermit card?

The Hermit tarot card perfectly embodies Virgo’s love for introspection and analysis. Like the introspective figure on the card, Virgos crave solitude for thoughtful analysis and self-reflection. They meticulously gather information, observing and dissecting details before making decisions. This methodical approach, mirrored in the Hermit’s careful journey, reflects Virgo’s pursuit of improvement and efficiency.

The Hermit card also encourages a period of contemplation, similar to how Virgos mull over situations and strategize their next steps. This introspective process isn’t simply a retreat from the world; it’s a way for Virgos, like for the Hermit with his lantern, to gather wisdom that they later share with others through practical advice and guidance.

Within The Hermit tarot card, there are so, so many symbolisms. To better understand this card, including its key symbols, keywords, and meanings in upright, reversed, and love readings, click on the preview below to read the full article dedicated to this card.

The Hermit tarot card meaning, key symbols & more

The Hermit’s lantern: a beacon of knowledge for Virgo 

In The Hermit card the figure holds a lantern, its soft glow casting a warm light in the midst of darkness. This lantern represents the light of knowledge and truth, illuminating the path ahead and guiding one towards self-discovery and insight. This resonates deeply with Virgo’s pursuit of perfection and understanding, often through a detailed analysis of both themselves and the world around them.

It is in the Hermit’s lantern that the primary goal of the Virgo sign is reflected. Just as the Hermit symbolizes the endless search for truth, Virgo never ceases to seek answers. The Hermit’s lantern illuminates the darkness because in the darkness there is chaos – that of Pisces, the sign opposite to Virgo – while he seeks order, light, clarity. Both are ready to explore all possible paths to find order.

The light of a lighthouse to represent a lantern, key symbol in The Hermit tarot card.

The lantern, in this metaphor, serves as a beacon of hope and guidance. It’s a tool that helps navigate the complexities of life, offering light in the darkness. This is particularly poignant when considering the chaos represented by Pisces, Virgo’s opposite sign. Pisces embodies the vast, boundless nature of emotion and the unconscious, often without structure or clarity. In contrast, Virgo seeks to bring order to this chaos, to distill clarity from the murky depths of the unknown. The lantern’s light symbolizes this desire for understanding, for turning disorder into order, for transforming the intangible into something tangible and understandable.

Here’s also the article about the tarot card which represents Pisces: Why does The Moon tarot Card represent Pisces so well?

Rooted in reality: The Hermit’s staff and the Virgoan spirit

Another symbol that echoes the energies of Virgo is the Hermit’s staff. The staff on which the Hermit leans is a connection to the earth and symbolizes not only the element of Virgo (earth) but also the necessity to remain grounded in reality. Like Virgo, it does not wander off into flights of fancy and never loses touch with what is real.

The Hermit’s staff is a powerful emblem of stability and practicality, mirroring Virgo’s inherent qualities. Virgo, an earth sign, is deeply connected to the tangible aspects of life. This connection to the earth element emphasizes Virgo’s pragmatic and methodical approach to life’s challenges. The staff, representing this solid foundation, underscores the importance of staying connected to the practical and the real, serving as a reminder of the need to remain grounded and focused.

And, about Virgo being an earth sign, let’s discover the tarot card suit connected to this sign…

The Hermit in the Visconti Sforza deck

Virgo and the Suit of Pentacles: a perfect match

While the Major Arcana (like The Hermit) explores broader themes, the Minor Arcana delves into the intricate details of daily life. Within the Minor Arcana, each of the four suits resonates with a specific element – Wands (Fire), Cups (Water), Swords (Air) – and Pentacles suit is connected to the Earth element.

The Suit of Pentacles embodies themes of stability, practicality, security, and building a strong foundation – all qualities that resonate deeply with Earth signs like Capricorns, Taurus, and of course, Virgos.

About Capricorn, read also: Why The Devil tarot card represents the Capricorn sign

For Virgos, the Suit of Pentacles holds particular significance. This connection reflects their natural inclination towards meticulous planning, dedication to hard work, and a desire for mastery in their chosen pursuits.

But within the Suit of Pentacles, there’s a specific card that captures the diligent, meticulous, and practical aspects of the Virgo sign: the Knight of Pentacles. This card exemplifies Virgo’s ability to work tirelessly towards their goals with patience and precision. It reflects Virgo earth-sign qualities of stability, dependability, and a grounded approach to life’s challenges.

Knight of Pentacles in the Rider-Waite deck

In fact, in the Rider-Waite deck, the Knight of Pentacles is depicted seated on a stationary black horse – note: stationary – carefully examining the gold coin held in his right hand. Like Virgos often do, he is making a plan, studying the best options and possibilities to strategize his path forward before taking action.

Among all the Knights in the tarot suits, they represent work and responsibilities, following the Page who dreams and is rich in ideals. However, this Knight stands out for his methodical approach and detail-oriented character. He meticulously schedules his tasks to ensure completion and adheres to his plan.


Whether you’re a Virgo or simply curious about astrology and tarot, if you have any questions or something to share, please leave a comment below. We’re eager to provide more information and hear your thoughts about this sign and its connections to tarot cards.

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