Is Yes and No Tarot reading accurate? Unveiling the truth


Be aware: we’re going to discover the most famous methods to do a yes or no tarot reading. But, as it will be explained later on in the article, Tarot cannot be reduced to dry “yes” or “no” responses.

We’ll discover the methods which are used just as an information, but let’s keep in mind Tarot is far more nuanced and complex than that. Also Carl Jung supports this theory, but let’s not anticipate more: we will go deeper at the end of the article.

Feel free to share your experience or opinion on yes or no tarot reading in the comments below – whether you agree with our vision or not.

How do people do a yes or no tarot reading?

First of all, to do a yes or no tarot reading, it’s important to remember to pose the question in a way the answer will be “yes” or “no”. It’s unworkable to ask general questions such as “How is gonna change my job?”; in this case a possible correct one could be: “Is my job gonna change?”. Keep the question simple and clear-out.

One common method to do a yes or no tarot reading is the reversal method. These are the steps to carry out this reading:

  • Keeping the focus on the question, shuffle the deck (all the cards are upright)
  • After cutting the deck and turning half of them in the reversed position, shuffle again
  • Turn the card: is it upright or reversed?

It’s considered a “yes”, if the Tarot card is upright. It’s considered a “no” if it’s reversed.

This method is easy and it gives you a simple answer, but it doesn’t consider at any rate all the details and meaning each card has. It definitely doesn’t allow for a complete and accurate interpretation of the situation.

Another method involves sorting the tarot cards into three groups: yes, no, or maybe. You decide the answer each card represents only after you’ve grouped them. In reality, there are only a few cards that consistently signify a “Yes” or a “No”. Tarot reading relies heavily on personal intuition and is quite flexible, which is why it’s not feasible to create a definitive yes or no tarot list.

This is our opinion, though many categorize tarot cards as either yes or no indicators. In fact, as the latest method for practicing yes or no tarot reading, we observe how many people associate each card with either a “yes” or a “no” based on the keywords associated with the card, its meanings, and the key symbols hidden within. Let’s explore a couple of practical examples.

The Emperor tarot card is often associated with authority, structure, and the establishment of order, which is why it might appear to signify a “Yes” in yes or no tarot readings. Conversely, The Hermit tarot card typically indicates a “No” in yes or no tarot readings. This conclusion stems from this card’s suggestion to pause and refrain from making significant moves at the moment. It emphasizes the importance of reflection, introspection, and connecting with one’s inner self before making any significant decisions.

Spiritual tarot reading.

Is the yes or no tarot reading accurate?

We have already answered this question quite explicitly.

No, we can’t consider yes or no tarot reading an accurate method. Let’s do an example to explain why.

The Sun tarot card is usually considered a “Yes”, but it can be read from many perspectives based on the question. Now, let’s pretend the question is “Should I break up with my boyfriend?”. As we said the Sun is generally a “yes”, but one of its keywords is love…

From this quick example it is clear we need to look deeper in the context of the question asked. Instead of seeking a “yes” or “no” answer, Tarot can help us gain greater awareness by offering points of reflection and a broader perspective on the circumstances surrounding us.

Shall we delve into another example to clarify further? Let’s proceed! The Hierophant tarot card – also known as the High Priest or the Pope in some decks – suggests the need to seek guidance from a mentor or trusted figure. How could it indicate a yes or no? It simply cannot… it’s a neutral card.

But now let’s move on to the most interesting part.

The intricate nuances of Tarot: beyond simple yes or no answers

Tarot cards – ancient tools of divination and introspection – often captivate and intrigue those seeking answers to their deepest questions. However, one common belief about Tarot is that it can provide simple and direct answers, such as a straightforward “yes” or “no”. In reality, Tarot is far more nuanced and complex than that.

As we promised at the beginning of the article, let’s explore why Tarot cannot be reduced to dry “yes” or “no” responses.

Tarot consists of a deck of cards, each with its unique meaning and deep symbolism. These cards combine to create a more complete and detailed interpretation of a situation. Treating Tarot solely as a tool for obtaining “yes” or “no” answers drastically diminishes its potential and limits the depth of information it can offer.

How do people ask yes or no questions to tarot?

The limitations of yes or no questions in Tarot

Yes or no questions in tarot are limiting: they don’t consider that the interpretation of Tarot is heavily influenced by the person reading the cards and the specific context of the question asked.

Each card has a range of possible meanings, and their combination forms a unique picture that requires personal and intuitive understanding. This means that what may appear as a “yes” or “no” to one person may be interpreted differently by another, based on their experiences, insights, and unique perceptions.

The situations we encounter in life are often complex and nuanced, and seeking definitive answers through Tarot can be an illusion. Tarot cards provide us with insights into the current situation and possible future directions, but it’s important to remember that the choices we make and actions we take can influence the course of events.

Another reason why Tarot cannot provide straightforward “yes” or “no” answers is that it respects individuals’ autonomy and free will. Tarot is a tool for self-awareness and self-exploration, but it is up to us to make conscious and responsible decisions. What the cards can offer are guidance, suggestions, and an opportunity to reflect on our choices, but the final decision always rests in our hands.

Tarot is much more than a mere oracle providing dry “yes” or “no” answers. It is a tool rich in symbols, archetypes, and ancient wisdom that can help us explore the intricacies of life and gain a deeper understanding of ourselves and the situations we encounter.

Approaching Tarot with an open mind and a broader perspective allows us to embrace its richness and complexity, harnessing its potential for personal growth and inner discovery.

This is our perspective on yes or no tarot cards. Whether you agree or disagree, we welcome you to share your experiences or opinions on yes or no tarot reading in the comments below. Let’s kickstart a smart and enriching conversation!

Unveiling tarot’s psychological potential through Carl Jung’s insights

Tarot, often seen as a mystical divination tool, has a much deeper potential when viewed through a psychological lens. 

As we highlighted in our article on the history of tarot, Carl Jung and Jodorowsky were two notable figures who regarded Tarot as a psychological tool. By delving into the theories of the renowned psychologist Carl Jung, we can understand why posing simple “yes” or “no” questions in Tarot limits its transformative potential.

Tarot cards and their psychological potential

Tarot cards tap into the realm of the unconscious mind, a concept central to Jungian psychology. The cards act as symbolic representations of archetypes, universal patterns that reside in our collective unconscious.

To better understand the definition of Jungian archetypes and discover the twelve archetypes and their associated tarot cards, click here.

When engaging with Tarot, we embark on a journey of self-discovery, uncovering aspects of our psyche that may be hidden or repressed. By reducing Tarot to “yes” or “no” answers, we overlook the opportunity for deeper exploration and understanding of our inner world.

Jung introduced the concept of synchronicity, which refers to meaningful coincidences that occur in our lives. In the context of Tarot, synchronicity manifests when the cards drawn align with the individual’s internal state or the situation at hand.

By engaging in a more open-ended exploration with Tarot, we allow synchronistic connections to unfold, offering profound insights and guidance beyond mere “yes” or “no” answers. It is through this synchronistic interplay that Tarot can illuminate hidden aspects of ourselves and provide valuable psychological perspectives.

Jung’s concept of individuation emphasizes the integration of opposing forces within ourselves. Tarot cards, with their diverse imagery and symbolism, represent a range of archetypal energies that exist within us all. By embracing the complexity of Tarot, we acknowledge the interplay between light and shadow, masculine and feminine, conscious and unconscious aspects of our psyche.

By transcending the limitations of binary answers, we allow Tarot to reveal deeper insights into our unconscious motivations, desires, and patterns of behavior. Incorporating Carl Jung’s concepts of symbolism, synchronicity, and the integration of opposites, we unlock the transformative power of Tarot as a profound psychological tool.

Carl Jung’s view: symbols transcend oracle-like notions

Tarot cards are rich in symbolism, and their true power lies in their ability to evoke personal associations and meaning within the individual. Carl Jung emphasized the importance of symbols in psychology, suggesting that they act as a bridge between the conscious and unconscious realms.

Symbols do not function as oracles; rather, they manifest collective knowledge and archetypal representations. They serve as a catalyst for deeper insights and can guide us towards making conscious decisions. Posing a binary question oversimplifies the intricate tapestry of symbols present in the cards and limits our potential for self-reflection and growth.

We adhere to Carl Jung’s viewpoint and place great importance on symbols. That’s why in every article we publish about tarot card meanings, we provide both upright and reversed meanings, as well as explanations of key symbols. Occasionally, we delve into the historical significance behind these symbols, which adds an intriguing layer to understanding the complexity of each card – and ourselves!

If you’re intrigued by Carl Jung’s perspective on tarot, click here to discover more about it. Alternatively, if you’d like to share your own point of view, please leave a comment below. We’re eager to engage with you!

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